Straw Hat

It’s not that funny. There’s a pretty marked difference between some other US company having access to your phone (which the US Gov could get access to it if they really needed it) and a foreign government having that direct access.

If a bunch of politicians and security folks think TikTok is a bad idea, probably worth

Multiple things can intersect and be true at once if you consider the history at play here.

I believe the topic in question is that this app is a national security risk, so I don’t see how “tik tok should exist because of the funny memes” is a relevant defense against that.

There’s a lot of good stuff on TikTok. There’s also a lot of really awful stuff on there.

My understanding from a few security professionals is that it’s basically an invasive spyware app on your phone, and one that’s installed on an enormous amount of devices all over the States. There’s also some concern that the

The contradiction is “I’M NOT GOING TO BUY BORDERLANDS 3 UNLESS I CAN GET IT ON MY STEAM!” was, in my opinion, quite tribalistic. I get the idea that it was, to an extent, anti-consumer. But I feel like a lot of those people were freaking out because they ONLY use steam and NEVER use any other retailers to buy

The funniest part of all of this, in my opinion, is the same people saying “console wars are bad” and “tribalism is dumb” are probably some of the same people that threatened to mail pipe bombs to Epic every time they announce an exclusivity deal which keeps things off of Steam for 6-12 months after launch.


You never saw Excel Saga or other anime parodies huh

It will still mostly be the same Ubisoft fluff. 50 Imperial bases, 20 Holocrons, etc etc

Sony: Hey FTC MS making CoD and other games exclusives are bad for business

Don't worry, I'm sure the console wars will provide ample opportunity for people to be shitty to each other! 

In what way..? He didn’t say anything about framerate.

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

Seems incredibly shortsighted given that PC game sales were only about 15% below all COMBINED console sales last year.Let alone modded PC RP servers have been what’s keeping GTA online still relevant on Twitch.

Bringing up a character background choice. Doesn’t really make the game less boring. At all. It’s like, the bare minimum in RPG design.

“Your game’s boring? Well, try playing the exact same campaign except this time with a shotgun that does 25% more damage!”

The more RP-ish traits ended up being way more impactful than background, surprisingly, which the game doesn’t make clear at all. I’d go so far as to say I’d recommend everyone playing Starfield takes a place of origin trait, Empath, and Extrovert, assuming you intend to play with companions, which Starfield is very

“The astronauts weren’t bored when they went to the moon”