
......OH MY GOD!!!! What #Hellish DemiMonde of Netflix have you led me to???? I looked it up on Netflix.............omg                 (also Thanx, I know what I’m watching tonite)

.......with some reverse-ScarJo casting of Mo’Nique as Lori Laughlin.....

......and, also, I’ll give you my autograph at a specially-discounted for the Judiciary honorarium of $2.99......

......Occam’s Razor, and all that....my own Oeuvre would have been titled, “Who The Hell is Aunt Becky?!?!”, since clearly I am the only person in the Americas who has never seen whatever a “Full(er) House” is, and knows from bitter experience not to go near #TheHallmarkChannel.......

.....LMAO.....Olivia Jade, Rhodes Scholar....

…..your comment would be true if you removed the word “probably”......

.....I hope he gets a nose-piercing with a bone in it....

...... “Meaghan Finally Where She Belongs”.......

…..they’re backpacking.....take that #BillandCathy!...….

…..Julianna’s Beauty has always mesmerized me.....I watched all six seasons of the Good Wife in real time.....the appointed day and time....just to figure out her Beauty....the only other show I’ve watched like that in the last 10 years was “Downton”.....Julianna and Michelle Dockery (“Lady Mary”)….two very rare,

…..also, after the nuclear end, two cockroaches will be talking; one will ask, “So, how’s Jen?” “She’s Fine!”.....

....totally feasible....you know Betty’s still banging half of Hollywood.....she’s probably done Tom Holland by now.....

....she’ll be pregnant.....

meh.....ScarJo could play her...….

lol......that’s like telling a friend, “I never get tired of that dress!”....

……..Ivanka: The Woman Who Would Be The Mary......Tiffany: The Woman Who IS The Ida Morganstern……..

……..this article is a little behind the times....ScarJo is currently playing a beige carpet in a Netflix “Marriage”.....

.....who’s the supermodel that renews vows ‘til divorce, rinse, repeat?....

…..my Tin-Foil Theory: MI6 got wind 2 years ago of JEpstein’s charges resurfacing and impending suicide, so they encouraged Harry to pursue Meghan all the way to the altar, knowing full well that Britain’s Racist Half/Trumpers would rise up like America’s Racist Third, and the Non-Stop Meghan Hate would be an

lol...….rephrase: “Full Disclosure requires...…..”