
From the header photo, I’m seeing a very strong resemblance to the assassin, Katinka, from Zoolander. Jacklyn Smith K-Mart!!!

I think she was engineered in an MRA-funded RedPill lab as a prototype of what horrible men want women to be - pretty, compliant, mostly silent, and willing to accept money as a replacement for personality, empathy, attractiveness, or pretty much any other human quality one might want in a partner.

Viktor continued to deny paternity—going into detail for the court about when he had sex with Marija and the rhythms of her menstrual cycle—prompting the court to order a blood test.

The issue of whitewashing aside, this may be totally valid. It likely would have banned in China if they lead cast were Tibetan. If the lead were Chinese, people would bitch about it, and rightly, because it’s not like China hasn’t done a great job already trying to erase Tibetan people and Tibetan culture. Cast

You ain’t fucking lyin’

I assure you that zero people who watch cable news are undecided about who they will vote for in the general election...undecided people don’t read the news or listen to anything remotely smart about politics in the US. But they do get to decide elections based on whatever 30 second hit piece they saw during wheel of

Jezebel is a contrarian website first so they’ll continue to hate on her till she finally puts Bernie out of our collective misery. Then they’ll dump on her for not doing an all women ticket and then they’ll complain about what cabinet positions she gives the women it’s an endless cycle.

Starting with Rachel Maddow. She'd make an awesome press secretary.

Come on Jez! We can do this! Hillary would make half her cabinet women....and she’s a feminist....and this is a feminist website...so this is a GOOD THING! Yay! Go Hillary!

The Onion “Tried to make with the funny” on a tweet the very day she was at the Academy Awards as a nominee, using that very word and saying she seemed like she could be it. People jumped on it, understandably, and they deleted the tweet, replacing it with a half-assed apology.

We like you more, someone take Lena behind the barn.

I’m sure Canada wants nothing to do with another whiny millennial who’s talent is dwarfed by her annoyance.

Merci! You will enjoy...

I miss Brenda Leigh. Still!

It’s hard to imagine that Amy had to beg someone to set her on fire.

So...Old Boy lost his meal ticket, and Old Girl lost her sweet bearding gig. Must suck to have to get a job, now.


There is a lot to unpack here.

So, Beyonce just roasted the shit out of Jay Z for cheating on her. The album she did it on is on Tidal, which Jay Z owns. So Jay Z is literally making money off of cheating on his wife? Lemonade for everyone.