Your Face

Given that loads of us Dodger fans in LA can’t actually watch Vin call the games thanks to my actual nemesis TimeWarner, I second this opinion.

Fuck, if they can do 500 of a worthless towheaded waif, they can certainly do a seasons worth of Vin.


The best Vin Scully quote from yesterday: “So the Dodgers are up 9-0. The Padres could have gone to the beach, it’s a nice day! If they had gone to the beach they still would have lost 9 nothing.”

It’s not REALLY the last season, though, is it? It can’t be. I’m in denial. At a certain point in my life I realized I’d probably listened to Vin Scully’s voice more than any other single voice in my life - I started listening to the Dodgers on the radio every night and watching every game on TV when I was less than a

That, I can get behind

Yep, gonna co-sign this one. Just whatever random story he tells at the top of the 7th. Show the whole thing.

200 Days of Scully

Agreed. Just show a random single or strikeout if you have to. It’s the last season, and baseball will never be the same.

Let me be the 4,983,478th to say: your mother’s a whore.

I wouldn’t mind if Deadspin did a highlight featuring the voice of Vin Scully every single day.

A Cardinals player would have stayed on third base.

the technical term is actually “the status quo.”

seriously, the math has been done, if I copy your resume twice, and on one of them I add “was convicted of armed robbery” and on the other I change your name to Tyrone, armed-robber-you gets 30% more callbacks than Tyrone-you.

Russell is an idiot for secretly taping and then “accidentally” releasing it. But if Young isn't a cheater then none of this happens.

The ignorant morons the GOP has cultivated (who are now supporting trump) have done a lot to lower the worlds opinion about us.Fox feeds the lie that Obama has weakened us, when he world opinion about him is just leagues ahead of Bush. Want a stronger us? we need to get our house in order. The rest of the world

She hesitated. If she just hits that hole quicker, she probably makes it through and takes it to the house.

Pro Wrestling was one of the best NES games.

Trump 2016!