Urban witch

It sounds completely made up for the sake of his article. People with HS educations are intimidated by “soppresatta”? Tha fuck?

Suggesting an alternative place to eat for somebody who isn’t comfortable isn’t weird. Assuming they aren’t comfortable because they aren’t as educated as you and telling that to the country is weird.

Like, good for them and all, but I’m just saying that, personally, I’d like to be mourned for more than a couple few months kthx.

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

Four years from now Piers Morgan will look like Winston Churchill. So... probably not.

Damn, Piers gained £10 in his neck 

It’s in Jezebel’s question first.

I loved how he compared child care (breastfeeding, strollers) to spreading out your legs so you can feel more comfortable and masculine as the womenfolk go about their annoying business of allowing themselves and their children to take up any public space whatsoever.

I have a permanent rash between my boobs from lack of air circulation in a bra. Yet I wear a bra in public. My sympathy is...limited.

Here’s a fun fact: Squeezing your legs together like a vice is uncomfortable for women too. And yet we manage to do it.

We can’t force woman to stop breast feeding on busses...so why should we force men to close their legs?

Penis-owner here.

Sometimes you do what you gotta do.

Biologically, if I wanted to be as comfortable as possible on public transport I’d recline across five seats and take a nap. Three more seats for my various bags and jackets.

Comey was notably indulgent and kind. Poor old McCain.

This is all a plot by the Republicans to make it appear that Trump isn’t the most senile person in Washington DC.