Urban witch


Hillary is such a tragic figure - she’s been maligned, shoved, and shaped by patriarchal outside pressures since she was in Arkansas, and she took all of that criticism to heart hoping to fulfill her ambitions. I don’t even know if she knows who she is, which is why she has such a hard time coming through when we beg

This comment on the NYTimes article provided me with some slight comfort:

Democratic ladies all wearing WHITE en masse

V impressive glitter work

I don’t understand this but it is still v funny to me

God bless us. Every one.

Apologies if this has been asked (again and again) - but are any NYC Jezzies meeting up for this? The rally buses are sold out - not to mention expensive - but I’m still looking to get there on my own. Don’t have any friends who are going, so I’m looking for some fellow ladies (pun intended always) with some

I know, I still feel horrible and will take the guilt of this to my grave

When I was a senior in high school we took a school trip to France where we stayed in homestays with French high school students whom we had occasionally emailed over the course of a year. Mine was very sweet, but was evidently a bit of an outcast at her school. All of the other French kids with their American