
Oh, he's "just asking questions," you know. Just trying to understand "poor things" like Christy Mack better.

I have to ask, did you ever have a soul? or did you give it to the devil in exchange for some videogames sometime before this comment?

god damn, white people. you're the only race whose list of 'things you can't do without public censure' is mostly just saying a few specific words. like, black people can't go out of their houses unless the nice man with the badge and the gun is feeling generous, and you can't manage to keep yourselves from saying

"The thing is, every guy I know who I've brought this up with has presented the same "opposing view" that you gave above, as though I'm just not thinking about things from the right perspective. It would be such a nice change to have my concerns and frustrations and feelings about this validated by male friends/family

The difference is not as clear as you make it out to be. Storytime!

A few years back, my hair was royal blue. It was an awesome color and if I hadn't gone corporate I might still have it. The day I dyed it, a man in the bookstore I was visiting poked his head up over a rack, smiled, and said, "I like your hair." I was

America is for Black people. My people arrived hundreds of years ago, built this country, worked its lands, and were on the forefront of helping America realize its promise of a just and free nation. We've come from being considered 3/5ths of a person to being the President, Attorney General, governor, doctor, lawyer,

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

The vile sentiment is to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt — because many many women are saying it right now — that a sizable portion of your intended audience will feel uncomfortable and/or frightened by your attention, but to insist on seeing yourself as a great guy trying to make the world a better place by forcing

It's not about you.

First of all, this opens the door to plea bargain discussions, and shows the prosecutors aren't fucking around and the plea won't be community service. Secondly, charging a bunch of separate charges/counts gives the jury the opportunity to convict on a lesser count if they feel like 10 life sentences is too much,

Yeah I know Georgia is "not that bad." Atlanta is the unofficial gay capital of the South!

Never Forget:

I will shamelessly admit that I love denim on denim. When it's different washes and shades it's fun! Representing the Canadian tuxedo.

Fellow whiteys: There's a difference between emulation and caricature—which is what Katy is doing in her videos. She's playing "wacky" characters by exaggerating racial stereotypes for laughs. How exactly is that cool? Like someone else said here: Black is a racial identity complicated by centuries of enslavement,

There, fixed it.

Hooray for naked bodies. Hooray for bodies. They are amazing and do amazing things and we don't see them enough. We should all be less grossed out by and more amazed at the capabilities of our bodies.