
Did you NP’rs not see the rust coming through the bondo under that canary yellow respray? This fishbowl is hiding a lot more of that I promise you, glorious Kenosha pot metal frisky with tinworm. Phuct not phat. 

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.


I think that’s a Fiat X1/9 you can see there, not an MR2.

Always had a soft spot for the flying bricks, for no real reason. NP.

One of the many odd things about the GS and Citroen that it took many years for a hatchback to be made (as the GSA, A for ‘atch).

Actually, the GS predate the CX by several years.

Head injuries are the worst.

We’ve got one at the Lane now:

What do you call a bunch of Alfa Romeos that haven’t moved for years?

It seems like common sense to not have to say this, but here goes anyway:

Every single person that had something to say about the original design needs to get their ass to a theater and see the movie. I can’t think of another time where a movie studio immediately listened to the audience and backtracked this publicly

One of the worse things I see in this report is the ignoring of the construction workers. I’m a good enough engineer to know I don’t know everything. A guy with a high school education that has actually done stuff with his hands and not just on a computer knows a lot more about how things actually work than I do. Some

sofa king funny

I’m glad he pulled over. It’s very dangerous to have a high speed chaise in an area with so many pedestrians. 

“LIQUID MOLLY” instead of “LIQUI MOLY” in the ad has to be the absolutely crack-pipiest typo ever!

Rdr2 is literally the only title that matters

2Fast; 2Floorius

I just saw a Biturbo on the road and wondered how


This is hilarious.