
Nasty little car then, nasty little car now. CP.

In which case, she’s your fiancée. Your fiancé would be male.

I enjoyed it. If you judge this show against the Clarkson/May/Hammond Top Gear, then it is different, not as slick and not as silly. The “different” alone will be enough to rouse the rabble.

I can’t believe I’m the first to post one of these. But here you go; this one’s my wife’s. One for every budget, parts are cheap as chips and easily acquired. There’s even a hardtop available, and you can get manual and auto, small and big blocks. What’s not to like?

I’m confused.

I bought a ‘14 JK four-door in February ‘15. It was a “Dragon Edition”, so fairly loaded (GPS, heated seats etc.). Normally, that model flew off the dealership floors, but this one had been sitting in Beaufort, SC for over a year - because it had a manual.

My first Jeep was a ‘95 YJ, with a manual. It was in a bit of a state, but I tidied it up, drove it for a couple of years and passed it on to some friends. Three years later, they’re still driving it daily and it’s going strong.

Apparently so... My reply is “pending approval”...

Mainly because the Jeep YJ had the square headlights, it’s decried as the “Wrongler”. The iconic Jeep face has, apparently, round headlights and the seven-slot grille.

I was so disappointed when I drove the Mercury Marauder. I was ready to buy, too. But it just didn’t have enough extra go, the interior was a real let down, and no manual, even as an option.

Interestingly, Jet-A is compatible with diesel, and can be mostly interchanged with it.

My counter: He owned a series of Mazda 323 hatchbacks.

Second nomination, because I have a ‘96 and have to gaze upon its hideousness - mid-nineties Impala SS wheel.

Any nineties or aughties GM product, but this delightful excrescence is from a ‘98 Trans Am.

Why does it have to be a truck?

Does anyone know if this version will be just an hour per episode, or extended to 1.5 or 2?