
I’m a gun rights advocate and I agree there is zero rationale for carrying an AR-15 in Walmart. That said, you know WHY they carry them into Wal-Mart? Because rabid anti-gun activists like ‘Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense’ and Bloomberg’s ‘Everytown for Gun Safety’ keep trying to smear and denigrate *lawful* gun

Private ownership of guns are banned in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Get caught with a gun and you go to jail. Yet they still have the highest murder rate by firearms in the world. How’s that ‘ban all guns’ working out for them?

I’m willing to bet that sounded much more effective in German

Out of all the props here the only ones I’d be interested are the Multipasses. Just how cool would it be to have Leeloo’s multipass?!?! Well, and the Rocketeer helmet

and probably worth a couple grand today

I can empathize, living here in Central America

One thing you forgot to mention; never, never get in a hurry

I love the Better than Boullion beef stock (for soups, stews and chili) but like you, just use Swansons for chicken based dishes. You might want to try More then Gourmet ‘Glace de Poulet’ Gold roasted chicken stock. Most excellent but pricey for a dish as mundane as chicken and rice.

That’s how mom did it. Just use the water used to boil the chicken. However I now use a can of Swansons and make up the difference with the boiled chicken ‘stock’.

So then let me ask this;

It astounds me why her supporters deny or refute that things like this matter. For a candidate that wants to be President of the United States.

That’s why I find The Daily Show so ummm... ‘scary’. IMO, news quit being news when the ‘talking heads’ took over, offering opinion as fact. What ever happened to just plain ol reporting the news without injecting ideology in between the lines?

I don’t ‘imagine’ what liberals think. I read it everyday on HuffPost, Salon, Slate, etc.. That’s the difference between Conservatives and Liberals;

“they’ve provided a fascinating insight in to the state of US politics and the lives of its citizens”

We are in the midst of a great divide in this country and saying “the opposition is so ridiculous” doesn’t help.

At last on news channels you know it’s propaganda. Those that follow Stewart consider the Daily Show unimpeachable. Ad therein lies the danger. Propaganda so smooth you don’t know it’s propaganda.

I’m waiting on someone to come out with a RGB color changing light that operates off 12v. I want to ‘kick it up a notch’ on my boat.

I once heard an interesting ‘secret’ tip from a #1 pro Texas BBQ contest winner: Always choose a ‘right side’ brisket. A brisket from the right side of a cow is more tender as cows predominantly sleep on their left side (it’s true! Google ‘sleeping cows’ and check out the images). Thus when getting up in the morning

It’s the same with skirt steak (since the fajita craze) and Dorado (what used to be a ‘trash’ fish by commercial fishermen until someone started marketing it as Mahi Mahi)

This is likely to backfire and result in even MORE confederate flags being brought to races. NASCAR was born in the South and flying the flag at the races is a tip of the hat to that heritage and isn’t intended to have a racist meaning at all.