
In Georgia, once the new bill comes into effect, if a woman travels out of state to get a legal abortion, then returns to Georgia, she can be brought up on charges. So that particular “bug” is already a feature.

How about when you can’t afford to buy books?  As a disabled person, my income is limited and in my city library cards are free. Also, too, I have and continue to donate boxes of books to my local library.

I have and use this extension and I love it. I don’t know how much money it’s saved me.

GOOD. They should be ashamed.

Thanks for the references and links. Too much about that terrible time has been deliberately buried and forgotten.

Same! PS I lurve your username.

The languages came first. He just wanted someplace to use them so he invented one.

The Last Battle was completely ruined by the blatant insertion of Christian ideology. Then there’s what’s been called “The Susan Problem”. Why was Susan kicked to the curb simply for wanting to actually grow up?

Anyone who has been paying attention just knew this was coming. In this case, I really don’t blame them. Sounds like a travesty in the making.

I may finally have to break down and watch this in Imax! W00t!

If you follow @EverydaySexism on Twitter you will find that this kind of behaviour is sadly common. Particularly on public transport. Not having a penis, I have no idea why this happens so often.

Made my day! If only I could give this more than one (1) star!

That seems to be the most reasonable explanation.

.You have to wonder if this will up the ante for the Black Widow movie. 

The Passage IMHO is pretty good. The Twelve is very up and down, some really good scenes, some not so good. But City of Mirrors... Do not get me started.

Ditto! The effort Cronin puts into trying, (and failing) to make Fanning sympathetic made me grind my teeth. As for what he did to both Alicia and Peter. OMFGs! 

I knew this was going to happen. Having read the entire trilogy, which has its own problems, mmmkay, I just knew the TV show was going to screw it up.

Finally! A role worthy of his talents!/jk

You go!

That was actually quite enjoyable. ^^ty