
Honestly, if they have to adapt anything by McGuire, I would have preferred the Ghost Roads series. 

Same! Haven’t watched anything SyFy since they cancelled #Dominion.

Same boat, different day.

Until now, I didn’t know either. 

The joys of having a woman in charge for a change. No, that is not sarcasm.

Not only has he lost his job, but he’s also about to lose his marriage as well.

I just can’t believe something that makes such cosmic common sense took so long to be enacted. Now, of course, there will be a time lag from getting the funds appropriated, to actually installing the required technology.

I honestly love that movie. First movie to ever make me cry.

This is beginning to annoy me. Everyone brings up the resemblance between Martin and Tolkien, including Martin himself. Why has no one brought up the fact that the Targaryens are an almost direct ripoff of Michael Moorcock’s Melniboné? Right down to their appearance and use of dragons. I can’t be the only one to have


That movie literally gave me nightmares! #NotKidding I have claustrophobia and that shot of all them in the prison...>O< Only good thing in that entire movie was the Stan Lee cameo.

Lurve that scene! Plus Michael Peña and the Wombats actually did stuff! Also, too, they referenced Baba Yaga!

I WISH! This is yet another “I can’t even” moment brought to us by a sport I used to love.

Brill! Love that video.

This is my (not) shocked face. 

Some of the players clearly have more character than Kraft!

Gods, yes! I have RA in my hands and some days getting dressed is just one hell of an ordeal. And don’t get me started on child proof containers. They’re evil as far as I’m concerned.

OMFGs! That dress! Gurrrl!

I went to the ER with tremendous pain in my abdomen and a female doctor brushed it off as bad period pain. It didn’t get better, and 5 days later, back in the ER it was finally discovered my appendix had ruptured. Spent 20 days in the hospital because of that misdiagnosis.

It took me 20 damn years to get diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease! 20 years during which Crohn’s ravaged my body. It took a terrible crisis to finally get a diagnosis. My mother thought I was dying! I try not to think about it too often because it enrages me every time.