Cool video dude! Thanks!
Cool video dude! Thanks!
Maybe we should start calling them “Tech Hoes” instead of Tech Bros.
Next to the Great Orange Dumpster Fire, this is the perp walk I’m most looking forward to. Also, too, fuck USC.
Not to rain this incredible parade, but, for gods’ sake, don’t try this at home. If you land on your head or neck it could be catastrophic. (Because you know damn well someone or someones is going to try it at home.)
Yup! That’s exactly what’s going on here. Depp feels Heard “won” at least in the court of public opinion and that cannot stand. So here we are.
Tell that to the Sad Puppy Brigade.
The real reason women dominated the Hugo Awards is simple. A woman writer knows she has to be at least twice as good as a male writer, if not more, simply to be noticed. Personally, I’m thrilled that Monstress won for Best Graphic work. I love it to death, the art is breathtaking, and the story is incredible.
I thought baseball wasn’t supposed to be a contact sport! Oy!
I would love to visit Iran, but it’s a terrifying prospect.
I remember reading a horrible story, on Crackle of all places. This poor woman is allergic to lavender, as in a life-threatening, call the ambulance, or I’ll die, allergic. As she pointed out, lavender is the Western World’s most popular scent. It’s so dangerous to her she can’t go out alone. But what really got to me…
Rancid Cheeto! I’m so stealing that!
In Georgia, once the new bill comes into effect, if a woman travels out of state to get a legal abortion, then returns to Georgia, she can be brought up on charges. So that particular “bug” is already a feature.
How about when you can’t afford to buy books? As a disabled person, my income is limited and in my city library cards are free. Also, too, I have and continue to donate boxes of books to my local library.
I have and use this extension and I love it. I don’t know how much money it’s saved me.
GOOD. They should be ashamed.
Thanks for the references and links. Too much about that terrible time has been deliberately buried and forgotten.
If you follow @EverydaySexism on Twitter you will find that this kind of behaviour is sadly common. Particularly on public transport. Not having a penis, I have no idea why this happens so often.
You go!
Same boat, different day.
Until now, I didn’t know either.