
Preach! People’s literal lives are on the line.


Any word on what his new one will be about?


Excellent! Been trying to get myself to make more of my own bread. This is a real help!


Fck this! As a Canadian, I’m thoroughly disgusted!

I still cannot get over how long it took them to attach Patty Jenkins to the Wonder Woman sequel. And cancelling Gotham City Sirens and the Harley Quinn movie is a step backwards.

There are some members of my family who take this to 13 and beyond. In person! (Trying to discuss what actually happened to Michael Brown was a disaster!) Facing up to the fact some of my family are racist has been very, very tough. What to do about it, how far to push it, I still haven’t figured that one out.

I have too had the mumps. Also, chickenpox. Neither was an experience I would recommend. The irony is that I now have Crohn’s Disease and, as a side-effect, Rheumatoid Arthritis. Because I take Humira, an immunosuppressant, to treat both, I can’t get either the MMR or the shingles vaccine. For me, herd immunity is a

It does happen and I don’t think you’re being a douche to point that out. Hail and Farewell to them all!

Read the book. Do NOT want to see the movie. The book broke my heart.

Wonder Girl I could see. But not Diana. No, nada, nu-uh.

I’m no Harry Styles fan, but I may have to see this movie, anyway. I’ve always wanted to know what really happened at Dunkirk. Been a history buff since forever.

Pssst! There’s a new Anniversary edition of Wonder Woman now available. Would have bought it off Amazon but chose to pre-order the new film instead.

Heh! ^_^

I blame Snyder for that whole ridiculous reveal. Plus the death of the Greek Gods.

Oh, Gods, yes!


Clearly, no real Pagans were consulted. And there are a lot around these days. I know; I am one.