
Totes! And having Ares kill them all was just ridiculous. They’re gods!

I agree on both points. We didn’t need the big reveal, and everyone trying to get her to refocus was excellent. Plus, it showed her willingness to listen and learn.

Tis a conundrum, no? /S Jeebus, if they bump her, they’re complete fools. And Gadot won’t won’t be best pleased, either.

Actually, I thought they were anarchists. But it’s been a long, long time since I saw it.

Saw that one. In some ways was even more frightening than The Day After because it was so plausible. Interestingly, enough all the “terrorists” except for one Black poet, were white.

Oh, my! The schadenfreude is delicious!

I did not know that. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help someone like me, in Canada. I just checked, and, in Canada, Walmart is much cheaper than even Amazon. As always, YMMV.

Or Superstore & Costco if you want a large order.

If you want to actually buy your mason jars, start looking now. Canning supplies are already appearing in various stores. Up here in Canada, I suggest Walmart or London Drugs. But wait for sales for the best bang for your buck.

A lovely elegy to a forgotten woman. I don’t think my hatred of James Joyce will ever pass. If he’d left well enough alone, Lucia might have improved. But constantly dragging her out of one asylum into another practically guaranteed she’d get worse. As every psychologist/psychiatrist, today will tell you, long-term

And it’s this kind of crap that’s made me give up on comics. Plus, I’m sick of the oversized boobs!


Got some extra pill bottles lying around? I always do. Some are quite large, so use them instead. Just test them to be sure they won’t leak.

Totes with you. This is a scam and Burke is an arsehole. We do need new venues, but this is ridiculous. Then there is the environmental clean up that everyone connected with #CalgaryNext keeps cheerfully ignoring. We’re supposed to pay for that, too. I call BS.

Much as I love Etsy, this absolutely horrifies me! Talk about internalized sexism and misogyny! And people are making bank off of it. How grotesque is that!

Gorgeous! Some of them are practically still lifes. I wonder how many of the artists who did those pictures were women?

I loved it when Q took Lwaxana dancing in space! The ultimate romantic gesture!

I have and love this book to death. The subplot about the whole mourning for Deanna is a lot of fun, too.

As someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I resent the implication of weakness, mmmkay? Just thought I’d point that out. That out of the way, good catch!

As someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I resent the implication of weakness, mmmkay? Just thought I’d point that out.

Beaches are totes overrated. There, I said it. Feel better?