
That she’s destroying a shopping mall, the emblem of capitalism, and where women have been convinced to spend far too much money, is icing on the cake, IMO.

Fuck Syfy! They canceled Farscape, Dominion, and Defiance. They can go DIAF as far as I’m concerned.

As someone with Crohn’s Disease who has had multiple colonoscopies, I’m so hoping this works. The procedure is dangerous, though painless, but the prep for it is absolutely the worst.

My mother died a year ago this April 30th and every Mother’s Day ad is hurting my soul. I have no clue how to handle this.

A lot of people make fun ofMarie Kondo and that book, but it really does help shift your attitude.

I’m in the same boat as you are. I lurve breakfast foods. Trying to make myself actually eat breakfast? An ongoing battle.

I’ve seen it, actually in a theatre no less. Yes, well worth your time, but definitely should come with a trigger warning.

Oh, look! Some global rich kids get a taste of what life is like for, say, Syrian refugees, and it’s like the Door To Hell Hath Opened. Welcome to reality, kiddos. Too bad you forgot to pack a lunch. About bloody time, too. My cup of schadenfreude is running over. I cannot find any sympathy for a bunch of rich young

I find a mise en place absolutely helps no matter what dish you’re making. Even when baking, having all the ingredients gathered and laid out before you start, makes everything so much easier and quicker.

There is but one appropriate response to this:

Happens to women too. As a child, finding wide shoes was so difficult, my last 2 toes on each foot are crooked from growing up squeezed into too narrow shoes. I still have a terrible time finding comfortable shoes that look half way decent. Now, I have arthritis and my feet swell. What fun!

Pssst! What about this lot?

Thank you for doing this. I have been depressed and overwhelmed by events in Syria. Knowing that there is something I can do to help puts me in a better place.

Training or not, I don’t think guns are appropriate possessions for someone with SAD and Depression.

Seriously, they look and feel pretty good, and they did the job this winter. Of course, how long they’ll last is very much open for debate.

Actually, I found a pretty decent pair of winter boots there. But, then, I’m in Canada.

So far this hasn’t touched Canada, but, if it does, I’m in trouble. As a disabled person, Payless is about the only place I can afford to buy new shoes and boots.

Love maple syrup, add it to my every smoothie. That it is actually good for you is just icing on the pancakes. 😆😁

D’aaaawwwww! #cuteoverload

I gave up on Marvel after they fucked with my favorite, female, characters, one too many times. Enough of this BS. They should know how to hand female leads by now.