
That’s where I’m headed. Guns and I just don’t get along. They can also be turned against you in a bad situation.

I can’t handle guns. Just. Cannot. So I’m already looking into alternatives.

Thanks for the link to Waterbrick.org. I really want to add these to my stash, and had no idea they had their own website.

A pipe dream?? I struggle to live on disability. I “earn” less than $20,000 a year. How can people be this financially stupid to be struggling on $500,00?? {{Mind Blown}}

Totes relate to almost all of this, except the clothes. My retail therapy involves buying books. PS Get a dash cam. They’re pretty inexpensive and it sure makes lying a lot harder. Take care. Goddess Bless! 😘

Too right! I am in this exact same position. Just changing a lightbulb or handling some little housekeeping emergency feels like a victory sometimes. And right on about the budgeting, etc. I still don’t know how to drive and I’m middle aged. Just the idea is still terrifying.

Ahem! A book that was featured on this very website, not two weeks ago. Which I’ve subsequently procured from the library and now must own. Badly.

Yay that a domestic violence case was finally treated with the seriousness all of them deserve. Tragic that this walking garbage heap had to nearly beat Mack to death for that to happen. May he rot in jail, and may she finally feel safe again.

^^yw 😆

Although we are not the bed of thornless roses we like to pretend to be, right now I am unbelievably glad I live in Canada. This is criminal! This is cold blooded legislated mass murder. That is not hyperbole. People are going to die. And women and girls are going to suffer like this was the Medieval Ages, but worse.

I’m already having issues with sites that demand I whitelist them. And, then, when I do, I still can’t get to the damn site. Security on the web is necessary, but it sure as hell is a hassle sometimes.

Due to chronic illness, I was basically a shut-in for nearly a decade. Social media saved my sanity, and maybe my life. That’s the problem with articles like this. They don’t address the problem of people, who, for whatever reason, can’t leave their homes, be they elderly, chronically ill, etc. This is a huge problem

I want to add that, for people with mobility issues, like arthritis in their hands and wrists, typing may be all they can manage. I’m fortunate in that I can still hand write, but the day may be coming when I can’t.

Canuck here. The 1976 Montreal Olympics, the first and only Summer Olympics ever held in Canada, were, in some ways, still overshadowed by Munich. As maybe they should have been. Many of the Isreali athletes in attendance made it very clear that their very presence in Montreal was in honour of those who died in

Get. Your. Vaccinations! I’ve had mumps and it was very unpleasant to say the least. Also too, I now have a compromised immune system and cannot get the MMR. So I must count on others to act responsibly. Please, please do.

This is simply the veritable tip of the iceberg. Nassar is only one get. Gymnastics at every level involves thousands of people, all of them usually much older than the targets, I mean gymnasts. And while many abusers are male, women are perfectly capable of being abusers too.

If all these were being done as animated movies, I’d be thrilled. DCU makes great animated films. Live action ones, not so much Still have my fingers crossed for Wonder Woman. Please, please let that movie not suck!

What pisses me off is there’s no mention of disabled women in this discussion. Like, what are we supposed to do? Just die?

My name is the name of immigrants who suffered to come to Canada. It’s never going to be changed for any reason, and it has nothing to do with patriarchy. It’s a matter of Canadian/immigrant pride.

Do you have any idea how holier than though the two of you sound? As a disabled white woman, barely making ends meet, so much of what is being discussed here means nothing to me. Safety is shelter, food, and medication, not living in New York City. I don’t shop at Old Navy; I can’t afford to. Sure, I want to live with