
Yes, I knew about that. They also did the same thing to Mickey Rooney while they were at it. Clearly, no one has learned a damn thing since.

WTF is this with people policing a woman’s weight? This is disgusting misogyny on everyone’s part. Also too, fat shaming does not work! That’s a scientific fact. Another scientific fact: Fat shaming does actual physical and psychological harm.

I don’t know if it’s tragic or excellent that this girl immediately called BS as soon as he sent the texts. She knew and understood perfectly what he was trying to pull. In one way, terrific, she is armed with the knowledge to protect herself. In another way, it’s tragic that such information is now required by kids

That was an awesome, awesome, awesome episode!

Jack and The Flying Prince and Princess is definitely a fave. The one about his shoes, which title escapes me is a gigantic hoot, with a sweet ending. There’s also the one with the pseudo-Viking that’s just great.

We still have some houses that were built just after WW II in Canada. I’d love to live in one.

Dude, Janet Reno is dead. You know that, right?

How about more room? I don’t want a McMansion. I just want a decent sized kitchen and enough room for all my books. I don’t think that’s an extravagant desire.

I once had an avocado stuffed with crab salad. To die for! So that’s another way to eat them. Stuff them with, say, shrimp, or some form of egg, and bake. Also too, a tuna melt made inside an avocado half. Yeah baby!

Pinterest is my jam! Also too, Evernote and Pocket.

Carrie Fisher would be so proud! She despised #Drumf #MayTheForceBeWithUS

I got this as a Christmas present for myself. It’s so adorb, I use it as a decoration in my living room.

I like this! I think it encapsulates a raft of things that we don’t talk about, both as individuals and as a society. We don’t make conscious choices; we drift through life the way Edward Norton’s character does until he meets Durgan. I just wish I could make a donation here and now.

Erm, Canuck here. Why no Victorians? Toronto is littered with them.

What utterly gorgeous music! Especially the haunting flute/winds.

Jeebus! As someone immunocompromised, this is absolutely terrifying. Note to self: India is off the Bucket List.

Good grief! I’m all for being ready for the Zombie Apocalypse, but really? Some of these really are insane.

I actually watched Robinson Crusoe On Mars when I was a child. At the risk of dating myself, it was at a Saturday matinee, and I loved the hell out of it. It helped enormously that Adam West had a bit part. Now, I wonder if I dare view it again. Some how, I doubt it will stand the test of time.

And it works for Canada too!

Frankly, if Titanic can win Best Picture, anything can happen. Oy, that picture! How long does Rose spend wandering through the rapidly flooding halls? Longer than it took the actual ship to sink!