
^^ty For someone with arthritis(Me!), this is vital info.

The totally underrated, never dubbed Simoun. It’s billed as Yuri, but there are a lot of true Sci-Fi elements, like world building, and questions on what role religion should play in society.

As an immunocompromised person with an autistic nephew, I hate these people with the passion of 10,000 burning suns. I could not be happier that this research project of theirs blew up in their faces.

That was hysterical! Carry on!

That was hysterical! Carry on!

^^ty very much for the advice. I’m already trying to learn French, and I would love to contribute in some way, shape, or form to the people of Haiti.

Still no Hulu in Canada, dang it. Didn’t think to look for Amazon or iTunes.

^^yw I’ve always wanted to visit Haiti, but they just keep getting hammered time and again.

Dang! I just bought the Roku Streaming Stick 3600! Timing is everything in technology.

I wish her the best of luck and have my fingers crossed for all of Haiti. They have all suffered so much. UNICEF is already organizing aid, and running an emergency donation drive. At least they’re reasonably trustworthy, so donate if you can afford to.

As someone with Depression and not always the best parenting, I, too, have had this fear. Many, many times, so you are not alone. <3

This could not be more timely. I’ve been struggling to support my dad, while we both struggle to come to terms with my mother’s recent death. It hasn’t been going too well.

I don’t drive and have no good choices within walking distance, or even by bus. All fast food chains, sport bars, and 2 fancy restaurants I can’t afford.

2 words: Slow Cooker. I cook big batches of whatever, eat what I need, and freeze the rest. I just got my slow cooker relatively recently, and I’m actively trying to use it more and more.

Pardon me for not reading that, but just the title was enough to destroy me for the rest of the night.

Gods! I’d forgotten how amazing the music was, and who wrote it. Also, the way they used silence in this movie is fantastic.

Yes, thank you for bringing this up. I, a Canuck, had almost forgotten that aspect of events.

Into Thin Air is a classic. I love Jon Krakauer’s writing. The movie version, eh, not so much.

I know that American readers could care less, but for us Canucks, this is a BFD. The search for these ships has become a part of Canadian history. As has the legendary Franklin Expedition itself.

Not to ruin your “vibe” but you can get better at Anthro, and it will cost a hell of a lot less.

This is so beautifully written, I’m saving it as an example of what a great article should be. Not just well written, but thoughtfully, carefully, and with excellent research behind it. Thank you.