
A zillion stars just for showing that video. Awesome!

Fine for now, on Humira.

Not at all. I had liver problems, and it affected my blood, so I had a kind of anemia. Now, that’s me. Don’t take it as what will happen to you. You may be fine, but, for me, Imuran was the worst.

I’ve already had one DVT. It was not fun or pretty, so this has been a worry for me. If stretching will help, I’ll do it.


I was on Imuran for a while, and it actually did damage, instead of improving the situation. I’d be careful about that if I were you.

Thank you for this. Plus, the actor who played “Blind Man” was not, of course, actually blind. Yet more abelisim.

Totes agree! That voice!

That episode is one of my all time favorites. Picard has to deal with kids, Troi actually has to take command, Ro Laren actually has a real reason to be bratty, and Worf helps Keiko give birth. Perfect!

Speaking as someone with CD, (see my comment above), I totally agree. I’ve had a fistula, 2 resections, several bowel obstructions, and one deep vein thrombosis caused by one of the resections. Oh, and my scars are magnificent if you’re into that kind of thing. Plus, the increased chance of colorectal cancer. So

I have Crohn’s Disease and am currently taking the biologic immunosuppressant Humira to keep it under control. Yes, there is a real danger of odd cancers cropping up, and my GP and GE keep a very close eye on me. But prior to Humira, I spent 10 years in constant pain or discomfort, in and out of the hospital for bowel

LOL indeed! ^_^

Do not mess with moose. They are the largest memembers of the deer family, and they don’t mess around. Ever. Bulls in mating season, cows with calves, stay the hell away. Please.

I would love to have Amazon Prime. The only thing preventing me is the value of the Canadian loonie. The difference is just too much.

There are some amazing documentaries on YouTube. I have a Chromecast and I love it to death. Especially now that streaming is built right into the Chrome browser.

Agreed! Libraries are the unsung heroes of media junkies. My local library has all the seasons of Game of Thrones, and many other popular shows. You can choose between blue ray or DVD, and they often have the soundtrack CDs too.

Exactly! I don’t watch CBS, period. Why would I pay to watch it?

I changed my password, but I have zero files in there that anyone would want. Just back ups.

Unfreaking believable! Several women make charges of rape and sexual assault against football players; Baylor takes months to react, if in fact they actually do anything. A football player is caught on tape abusing his dog...Whoops! Instant suspension and multiple penalties. I can’t even...
