
Oooo! Feisty!

I’m having the same problem with one of her Mira Grant novels, “Rolling In The Deep”. Over $50.00 for the hardcover and NO Kindle edition. Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll wait.

So true. Cutting Tom Bombadil from “Fellowship” was one of the best decisions in the entire damn trilogy. “The Scouring of The Shire” on the other hand...

This is the kind of crap that led Lucy DeCoutere to quit “Trailer Park Boys”.

Thanks to Crohn’s Disease, I also have arthritis and eczema. During the summer, the eczema can be the worst of the lot.

Angry as I currently am with Japan, Look! More dead pregnant whales. This sucks a biggie.

I read that wonderful column, with great attention because I admire Coates so much. Afterwards, I took a long, close look at a photo of Nina Simone, and literally started to cry. She was so beautiful, the fearless way she stared down the camera. What a heartbreak that she was born in a time that could not see that

What pisses me off about both films, which I am now determined not to see, is that it’s all about the menz even more than usual. Both Black Widow and Wonder Woman have been demoted to tokens.

Have read each and every one of the October Daye novels. Now waiting breathlessly for the next one. The Paradox Trilogy is also on my ever growing TBR. *Sigh* So many books, not enough time.

Justin Cronin’s trilogy is coming to an end with “City of Mirrors” AU with a weird new kind of vampire. Oh, and equally weird humans. You will not be disappointed.

I have to read “City of Mirrors”. I have to. I’ve read the first 2 books and I can’t wait to read the last one in the trilogy.

I love that series. Especially the original DAW editions with their beautiful Michael Whelan covers. I think I still have them somewhere. Morgaine was the first FEMALE sword and sorcery heroine/anti-heroine that I ever read.

And about bloody time! What took them so damn long? Come to think of it, CJ, who I once met under trying circumstances, and was a lovely soul, has been a kind of undiscovered gem for far too long. Here’s hoping her work will now get the attention it has long deserved.

It’s already sold out. What a surprise. <snark>

I find this kind of discussion small minded and foolish. I’ve read everything from Elizabeth Peters to Euripides, from Epic Fantasy to History. Either a book is good or it isn’t. What would Blacker have to say about Justin Cronin’s “The Passage”? How about Ben H. Winters’ “The Last Policeman” series? Can they even be

Argh! I hate US only giveaways. *Sob*

This looks fantastic! Love the music too. Move over Andrew Lincoln. Please.

Oh Fuque! This is awesome. I love them all and there are at least 30 different outfits here that I want for my own. Goddess Bless Them!

Kate Bush has never received the recognition she deserves outside the UK. Part of the penalty of being reclusive. It’s a pity, because she is so very gifted and unique.

Yes, big thank you. My villain was becoming more interesting than my “hero”. I knew something was wrong, I now know what it is, and can fix it.