
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov definitely defies genres. We have magical realism, AU, a snapshot of real live Moscow in the 1930s, anti-Stalinism, and, the supernatural. It’s subversive and surreal. As an added bonus, it was unpublished during Bulgakov’s lifetime, and was heavily censored until very

You may have a point, but at least he isn’t as blatant as Lovecraft.

Charles Stross has suggested a statuette of Mary Shelley. That would certainly be appropriate. Tolkien would also be a good choice. Others have suggested a winged dragon. Since that would be gender neutral, I like that idea. Or a giant sized ring with the winner’s name engraved on it.

Both Oskar and Eli were pretty damn creepy, IMO. That’s part of the attraction, watching how the two pathologies come together.

Dion Fortune claims that her group did the same thing, and that there were other occult groups/witch covens that were involved. There is even a mention of people voluntarily sacrificing their own lives. Finally, there are also claims of fair sized medium circles who volunteered to bring all the lost souls of the

Um, “Stranger In A Strange Land” was written by Robert A Heinlein. I’ve read it, and “Dune” but that’s the only one on this list that I’ve read. “Dune” by the way, is very much worth the reading, dense and complex though it be. Now I must hope my library has the others.

And she was a proud out and loud lesbian! Think how revolutionary that was!

Gods, but I do love that cover. Whelan was made to do the covers for Tanith Lee’s books. What most people don’t realize or have forgotten, but the whole genre of re-imagining and reinventing fairy tales that is so popular now, pretty much started with this book. At least that I know of. There is now an extended ebook

Oh and Snowpiercer, about which I have my doubts. Some brilliant acting, great premise, but some of execution left much to be desired.

It's the only one on the list that I've seen.

At least in this case, several students did not have these boys' back, and immediately reported it to the police, not just school authorities. A step in the right direction albeit a small one.

I'm with you there. I can't wait until we finally, finally see what Pluto and its moons look like.

Utterly gorgeous. What amazing colours! So gentle without being cloying.

I just enjoyed the weirdness and the interactions between Adam and Eve. It really made me think what it would be like to live that long.

I still really want to see it. Having seen "Snowpiercer" and "Only Lovers" and those gambles paying off, I think it's worth the risk. Word of warning: I could not finish the book. I just, couldn't.

True, but after plowing my way through it, I don't understand the love for the book, I really don't. Why they even tried to film it is beyond me.

Just an amazing movie. Could have been just a little shorter, but that's all. All the performances were amazing, Swinton and Hiddleston rocked, and the music was excellent. So glad I made the effort to see it in a theatre.

Some of Your Blood: The ending knocks you off your feet.

This is good to know. I love avacodoes but can't eat guacomole, because I hate the taste of cilantro so much. I almost spat it out the first time I tasted it.
