

According to CNN, the translation of the audio has Rebel leaders yelling at the men to stop shooting because the pilots should be captured alive. At least somebody knew the proper procedure.

But the US don’t have to sail through the centre of Shanghai to get in or out of a major sea for them to get to their home ports.

I believe that is a war crime.

If the radar is accurate, and if the Russian jet was only in Turkey’s airspace for 20 or so seconds, and if the Turkish F-16’s pursued the jet into Syrian airspace then this most certainly is an act of aggression on Turkeys part.

I feel like Putin is going to use this as an opportunity to continue to prod NATO. Nobody should be under any allusion that Putin’s number one military and political concern isn’t the state of the NATO alliance, or that the dissolution of NATO isn’t tops on his wish list. He’s obsessed with NATO and wants it to go

Remember a few months ago when Tyler put up a post of a Russian Su-24 flying with a Walmart handheld GPS bungeed to the dashboard, and all the Russian sockpuppets frothed about how great of an idea that was?

All I can think right now is VertiBirds and Radiation Storms.

I’m sorry, but this is dope

The Rolls Royce Umbrella

Tyler, thank you for your sensible, not sensationalist, reporting!

Adding to that fear factor, the torpedo would travel at speeds of up to 65 mph after delivery by a nuclear-powered underwater drone, that would itself be carried externally by a nuclear-powered submarine.

I own the same Jeep so I know what’s true.

Dammit, Chrysler! You had one shot. One opportunity.

Bunsey was finally apprehended after another police officer climbed on top of the car and tasered her through the sunroof

I slept nearly 40 hours once, in the throes of a seasonal viral illness. I woke up with two dogs and a cat inches from my face, and the message was clear: Get up, let us out, fill the dishes...or else. I did not ask what the “or else” was, I knew they were just debating which parts of me to devour first.

All the good jobs are taken.