
If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Sir, are you a hipster

Wouldn’t it be cool if we like, erase ourselves from the internet?
OMG Thom you’re such a creative genius

it’s settled. I am driving A LOT closer to the cars in front of me because I happen to have brembos that will pull your eyes out of your sockets under load. sometimes it just takes some friendly advice from a stranger on the internet. tks.

I am a cop specifically because I was intimidated a lot as a kid and needed some get backs. pew pew!

haha, obvious troll is obvious. article says nothing about race here. next.

“So, Phil, DeMuro tells me these things spend a lot of time in the shop. What’s your experience been? Did you buy the Extended Warranty?”

Obama: “Here, I’ll drive.” (Steps into the left front seat)
Prince Philip: <snickers>

“So, are you still mad about that whole American revoultion thing?”

They did try.

I blame the pond.

Remember that time as a kid when you stole a car with your friends ? Yeah neither do most of us ...

I’m 40. I’ve watched at least a Dozen close friends die to car crashes, 1 airplane crash, cancer, skateboarding accident, 2 suicides in the last 2 years, etc, etc.

Millions die every year of preventable diseases and harsh poverty. Three over privileged brats died because of their own reckless behavior. Sorry, I’m not at all sad about that.

I suggest you google something called “scene safety “. One of they key components of being a first responder is not to become victim yourself. There is no moral or professional obligation for the police to jump in the water and rescue you.

Let’s think here for a second shall we? Miss Arm-chair analysis? It’s a dark swamp, with zero visibility UNDER the water, in alligator infested Florida, with not even so much as a snorkel on-hand to enable someone to stage an actual rescue without it being borderline impossible. You’ve seen too many Hollywood films.

It’s not that they deserved to die. It’s that driving into a pond and drowning was a clear and foreseeable consequence of their own behavior, and nobody else’s.

This is a quote from one of the parents:

I’m from the area and the “pond” they went into had 20-50 feet of reeds and muck before the water actually starts. There would be no way a human could have made it through that into the pond and rescued them. But of course the news won’t report that, they would rather sensationalize the girls deaths.