
The government claims they fired a “trident missile” but if that were true we’d expect to see three prongs in the image. BUT THERE ARE NONE!!!! I guess the sheeple will believe anything they’re told.

This isn’t ingenuity. It’s just random bullshit.

I think you’re right. Valuable things are worth repairing no matter what it takes. I used to own the same ax that George Washington used to chop down that cherry tree. It was in pretty bad shape though, so I restored it by replacing just the handle and the head. Now it looks brand new!

Teenage sons watching a lot of “YouTube.” Riiiiiiight

I love how they want to be low profile, but explain is every fucking way what they look like for youtubers....

There’s no missile in there. That’s too short to carry a ICBM (this is a missile transporter/erector)

Yeah. Although the Tahoe ain’t exactly cheap.

Well, yes, but that EL thing was 20 years ago. (Holy crap! 20 years!)


The GT-R is repulsive.

Nissan. By far. Every single one (except GT-R) is an overwrought mess.

After the USS Cole incident I do not expect there to be any ramming incidents.

Normally if I want ice cold air blasted my way I just ask my wife a question.

there’s a certain irony in the fact that a precision munition designed to destroy a bridge probably costs more than a new bridge.

Oh that’s easy. I like to call this particular shade “Morning Piss Gold”.