
You win the internetz.

Spot on.

V8, RWD, Rare, Discontinued, Made in America, 6-10% Jalop.

Good attempt though.

Buy me dinner to keep me on their good side? Now I know I am just a stupid naïve pig, but how in the fuck is that an effective strategy when they remain anonymous? I don't even want to discuss that odd rambling about Ponzi schemes and generous donations which amount to bribery. I don't need that lecture, it's quite

I suppose the somewhat common occurnace of strangers buying my dinner when I actually have the time to sit down and eat is merely a ploy.

Well if you are trying to compare this situation, with someone doing this same act to me, as a police officer, not a whole lot changes. You obviously have the assault on an officer but as far as joyriding vs stealing a car goes, you'd have a difficult time proving in court that someone who took a vehicle from E 2nd

Wow buddy, I don't know where to start here. I suppose my 6+ years in law enforcement and hundreds of arrests don't hold up to internet comments.

-Any misdemeanors that did not occur in your presence, require an arrest warrant to arrest. (Assault, Battery, Joyriding, as per the article)

- I have inquired drivers

I am sure.

Careful, don't go looking up statistics, wouldn't want your world to come shattering down around you if you realized that well over 90% of cops do their jobs flawlessly.

That would sure throw a wrench into the "fuck em all" scenario.

"Plugged his name into the computer". What do you think DMV files come up with a huge banner that says "WARNING, IS A COP". All they have is his license information.

The reality of the situation is, it was 3am. If they didn't witness the events, a warrant would have to be obtained. Just like for you. Judges aren't

Don't trip over yourself assuming.

Yeah, we are trained to find people., but after he fled a warrant would be needed. Which is hard to obtain at 3am. Which is most likely the reason he was arrested in the morning.

I am complicit? You don't know me, or where I work, or our reputation. Hint: I don't have to defend any

Well I guess that makes you extremely narrow minded, kinda stupid too. I am not sure where you picked up I was defending this guy, when I was dismissing your judgement of hundreds of thousands of Americans based on this mans actions.


Google the story. Every single other reporting of this incident stated the accused fled the scene prior to arrival.....buddy. This is the only version of the story that remains vague. Even the super liberal article says he fled the scene and the police searched the neighboorhood but could not locate him.

Or, he fled shortly prior when he learned their arrival was imminent. Again, even the version of this story stated he "fled the scene" and the police searched the surroudning nerghboorhood but could not locate him.

Fuck em', fuck em all. Every last one. Regardless of personal merit, religion, race, or gender. Fuck em.

The sourced article here is the only one which is vague about the interaction between the cops and the accused. Where they there? Did they confront him? Did he flee? It's not very definitive. Yet, every other

Google the story. This one article is the only one that makes it unclear as to if the cops ever confronted him or if he left the scene. Every other article, even the super liberal version declared he fled the scene.

But yeah, we're all corrupt. Just like that officer I arrested 3 months ago for DUI.

Please do not read into that juvenile display of angst that is the NYPD's current action. Many officers think it's ridiculous and uncalled for.

The article does not insinuate the cops allowed him to simply leave. It simply states he walked away, presumably because he lacks a car given the context of the story, when police were called to the scene.

I know it's tremendously hard to resist jumping to comment sections to bash an entire segment of the population

Need to rewatch the video man. The guy in the gap sweatshirt guy is initially taking pictures by the front of the car. Gap shirt dude then, for almost no reason, turns around and squeezes between the car door that Diddy enters and another photographer. Then when Diddy confronts him, you can clearly see this huge thing

They sold alright, there was a reason production was ended. The best, and the last model year was 2006 and only sold 8797 examples. The one pictured above is mine, it's an 06. It's sitting on 1.5" lower Eibach's, has a K&N intake, a full magnaflow exhaust system, and a hot ECU tune.

They go okay, I can get to 60 in 6

As a state trooper, I applaud you for mentioning the last two. You can only imagine the TERRIBLE things I have seen people do.

Once, I began to pull over a Ford Raptor for going 115. I caught up to the truck, lights & sirens and all and was following it still going 115. This went on for about 2 miles. I was on the