
You seem pretty hellbent on justifying that entire comment on the knowledge that I want to do any of that shit. Like "I" want to go after some poor kids with shitbox cars.

When in reality, you posted a video of a douche bag in a convertible lambo with 27 go pro's on it, and then I called aforementioned douche bag, a

Oh look, a douche bag. Thanks for sharing.

You would be surprised.

I can't. I really just can't.

This is excellent.

Okay. A couple points here, but first, let me get this out of the way. I am a police officer, and a damn good one at that. I work for a State Police agency and this is something I am currently doing and do not plan to do for the rest of my life. I am very much a patriot, I served for 6 years in the Marines, and do

Of course it's sped up, it's a gif.

There is an attached video ya know.

55-58 seconds.

Badass effect going on with the exhaust. Anyone care to elaborate what that is?

I've personally spent more time today on TTAC because of this conversation, then I have in my entire life. So I am not aware of this situation.

I am a gearhead, I like jalopnik, I like panthers. Like a good gearhead I can appreciate well kept examples of almost all cars.

Yes, this is Jalop. The place were gearheads of every type and talk cars, all cars. Not some pessimistic place where asshats try to act like they are above a perfectly fine vehicle with a decent following, based upon some superior god given opinion.

It's also the same place that wrote a fucking article about them

At first glance, I saw some weird robotic fist.

This upsets me. They are memorable cars.

To each their own I suppose.

No panther love?

Test Drive Unlimited