The fact that he doesn't know what's going on or anything about teams, and then ends up in an Arsenal shirt by the end of the bar scene is an extremely accurate portrayal of American Arsenal fans.
The fact that he doesn't know what's going on or anything about teams, and then ends up in an Arsenal shirt by the end of the bar scene is an extremely accurate portrayal of American Arsenal fans.
I've never been blocked, so I'm gonna tell the story of the time I blocked Darren Rovell on Twitter. It was maybe two years ago, and I was fake-RTing him saying dumb shit (which, yes, is obnoxious, but also funny sometimes!). I'd read about his (deeply wienery) habit of following people just long enough to send them…
Well I got blocked after I adarn'd ESPN
Tony Schiavone will block you if you consistently tweet him Tony Schiavone lines from Monday Nitro.
Last year David Aardsma (pitching for the Mets at the time) tweeted that his bed was stolen from his new apartment in New York (weird, right?). It happened after he blew a save, so I said if he blows one again I'm coming back for the dresser. He blew it that night, and blocked me.
I can't believe that no one else has mentioned the Spiderpodium by Breffo yet:…
I can't believe that no one else has mentioned the Spiderpodium by Breffo yet:…
Magary was wrong. Between this and the Cobb county fiasco, Georgia should just join up with Florida and become the Bronzed Douche State.
Yeah, but I bet it took him less than 1,300 words to explain how to make a sandwich.
I wouldn't pull any punches because, even if my kid were seven-years-old, he'd deserve to know the truth.
The hardest part, for me, was trying to explain to my son that Michael Sam actually was the first gay player to play in the NFL. The kid's a bit of a computer wiz, so he built an XML tracking system crowd-sourced from the people he figured would know best - NFL fans commenting on ProFootballTalk's Facebook page - and…
I will not judge Michael Sam, just like I will not judge Mr. McCoy's parents for naming him after the amount of beer they went through the night he was conceived.
The NL Central: Where the mascots show their dicks.
Shut up, Jameis.
Most of those calls are coming from rural Virginia, where they've always preferred to wed themselves to Cousins.
Must have been hacked.
I mean, who in their right mind would claim to be Bret Bielema's wife?
By NASCAR rules, the winner of this game should be Notre Dame.
I don't find this funny. The potential for a young kid to get a life-changing injury was big.
Weird that Chivas USA can find four Mexican coaches and the FMF can't even find one for its national team.