
Isn't withdrawal from melange supposed to be fatal?

my dh had reassured me he wasn't the type to look at porn, disagreed with it vehemently to a point where he would get angry if I asked him did he ever use it

I would hope for Tears for Fears' "Everybody Wants to Rule the World."

brevity is essence over wit? So that means wit * brevity = essence. I didn't know the recipe was so simple!

It did in fact come up. At the table, when Richard's contemplating getting a new deal to pay for the old deal with the insurance company, Gilfoyle mentions how hard it was to get them, and then Jared chimes in that it was complicated, too. Gilfoyle and Dinesh wonder what he meant.

Yes, that was during the simulation. The whole Vatican plot was during the simulation.

For some reason it annoyed me a little bit about the episode that the TARDIS wasn't translating the Pope's Italian, so the Pope needed an interpreter.

You have no heart. Chuck is consistently willing to do the one thing Jimmy doesn't seem able to do: use Jimmy's love against him. Jimmy spent years toiling attentively to Chuck's needs that Chuck doesn't even seem to have noticed, and somehow despite the massive and recent betrayals still will put his own needs and

What I don't get about this is, if the Vardi read the Doctor as two lifeforms based on his hearts, how did they know to put both servings for him on the same plate? You'd think they'd have set three plates - two for him, and one for Bill. Unless they thought of him as a pregnant lifeform, and then wanted to give him

This sounds very much like a worse version of The Worlds's End.

Do you ever stand to be insulted and pay for the privilege?

Sure they mention the great "Nineteen," but they omit mention of "The Streets Of Where I'm From" from both the 23 and 25 sections:

One more log on the "2016 is the Rapture and all of us left are in hell" fire.

He's got a mind like a sewer and a heart like a fridge. He stands to be insulted, and he pays for the privilege.

Just pointing out that this article consistently misspells the name of the company that owns Westworld, Delos (not "Dellos").

If Trump doesn't have warmongering tendencies, it's only because he's never been given the power to monger war. These seem to me the most important facts about Trump:

"Symbology"? Does Dan Brown just not know the word "semiotics"?

Yep, a fat grungy loser who everyone hates and whose infuriating methods are impossible not to laugh at as he gets punched by cops and maligned by his assistant and into feuds with his housekeeper, but whose completely bonkers methods actually manage to solve the rather impossible case.

Counterpoint: Take that back. Once More With Feeling may be the best episode of Buffy ever made, even with the "Why didn't Xander speak up sooner?" plot hole.

Shame on you, Sean. As Patrick from Popehat has it: