Unwitting Burrito

The world is a safer place than it’s ever been, your chances of dying in a mass shooting are extremely slim. Don’t buy into the media’s fear-mongering. If you really want to reduce your chances of premature death, exercise more, eat better, don’t drive distracted, etc. Those things are hundreds of times more likely to

That could be that the places where these people want to go just happen to be soft targets. If an emplpyee at a mall goes postal, they attack the mall because that’s where the people are who pissed them off; not because the mall doesn’t have a bunch of armed people. If they want to come after you, they don’t care what

Here’s a brief list of shootings at military facilities that pretty much dispels that particular fiction.

So we should arm Kindergarten kids, right?

Thanks for rephrasing the article in annoying punctuation.

Awww, it’s sweet that you think that.

You really should look for a job away from City Hall/Cook County Building.

Not necessarily the same result. Sometimes it means you avoid being re-traumatized by poorly trained police officers.

I work in a school, and last year we had active shooter training. They stressed the fact that we were to get the kids and get out if we could.The old idea that people should hide in place only gets people killed. If you can, run away! At Columbine, the shooters walked through the library, and everyone in there was

Yeah, it’s the kind of thing you would hope a lawyer would make sure to get right, especially in a filing that so many reporters will pour over. I imagine much commentary on the quality of this complaint will follow.

She took her friend - a sex therapist - to see Rose.

This article definitely has some good information; but my heart is heavy and leaden with the thought that I live in a world where it’s necessary. Fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados? All fairly unpredictable forces of nature outside our control...I don’t know if it can be said for the Active Shooter. It is an

This is a good point. I graduated high school in 2005 and we were just starting to do “Lockdown” drills in response to these incidents. I think calling them Active Shooter drills and having them frequently is the way to go. We need to change the mindset of people. At this point, apathy is literally killing people.

It sounds like you have been properly trained, have the right mindset for carry and ownershp and would be willing to go through a fair and democratic vetting process to obtain a permit. I’m honestly sorry you can’t. It’s also a shame because if you did carry, the government would know exactly who you are, what guns

If we did “mass shooter” drills in elementary schools at the rate we did fire drills, I can guarantee you we’d have better gun control laws because the apathetic parents who pick their kid up and get “We pretended there was a crazy man in our school shooting everyone today” might actually start thinking about how it

As a very outspoken concealed-carry advocate who is 99% sure this article will have an argument about guns in the comments, let me just be the first to say I completely agree that running away is the right thing to do. I don’t carry a gun in my home state, because apparently single women living alone who’ve been

I wish I could say this was uncommon. But growing up in fundamentalism, we were taught that the only acceptable emotion was happy and blessed. You weren’t allowed to be angry or sad or disappointed. I wasn’t in a cult like this (Thank the Lord,) but what I was taught wasn’t so different. I actually had to learn how to

“They always got 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with their mom every week. That was the time to share their feelings, but other than that they had to keep their feelings to themselves.”

Hearing about the way her parents raised their children makes me very sad.