Unwitting Burrito

“Honest” question: Do you ever get tired of missing the point? When a reviewer criticizes something — in this case, thoughtfully and also by citing a 50-year trend in mainstream movies that certainly deserves consideration — it doesn’t mean they are “miserable,” it means they’re paying attention. It’s fine if you

Mississippi Masala from 1991 was an interesting if light weight exploration of a romance between a Black man played by Denzel Washington and a Desi woman Sarita Choudhury (ethnically Indian but was part of the diaspora living in Uganda forced out by Idi Amin).

Samesies! I didn’t know I was supposed to hate him/worship her? I missed the memo, ah well I love his music and think he’s sexy wth his beardedness.

LOL at Father John Misty not being pretentious.

Based on the replies in this thread, I’m completely alone but I like Father John Misty and have no interest in Lorde... Oh well.

Now playing

It depends on your taste in music - if you’re generally into indie, you’d probably like him. He was a member of Fleet Foxes and about a hundred other bands. His primary talent is his storytelling lyrics, which have been used by everyone including Beyonce. His primary novelty is he is the living embodiment of louche.

i didnt come here to be host-shamed.

Please do not assume that I haven’t seen Dial M for Murder. I even saw a restored 3D print once (what a treat). The problem with using it in this post instead of A Perfect Murder is that Ray Milland never says, “THAT’S NOT HAPPINESS TO SEE ME, IS IT.”

I’m about as Left as one can reasonably get while still being a functional member of society and I think Maher is a shitbag.

I couldn’t believe how much Maher was kissing Milo’s ass. Cements the idea i’ve always had that Maher is a star-fucker and that over rides his morals. He doesn’t mind that right wingers have power, and their horrible ideas are/will hurt people. As long as they’ll come on his show and the money keeps coming in.

I would argue that all 3 of those women get called out/have gotten called out for their white privilege and racist comments all the time in a way that I don’t see Maher get called out by anyone. I would argue that it’s less a white liberal issue and more of a white liberal guy issue. It’s the same with Bernie, god

The thing about Bill Maher that’s always killed me is how pissy he gets when the audience doesn’t laugh at his jokes. He always lashes out and accuses them of being too PC and liberal, but Louis CK and South Park are proof positive that liberals are more than happy to laugh at an off color joke so long as it’s

Bonus irony - the world LEADER in stem cell research is... Iran!

This is what I thought of when I read it

Or the maid, or that new intern...

.... until one of them has a disease requiring stem cell research.....

Or maybe they consider your womb to be public land.

I’ve got nothing but a primal scream in me this afternoon. Women are human beings and they deserve to have their reproductive rights protected. Republicans can have several cows and go lick manure.