
Don’t apologize. Whether he’s a “collector” or a “hoarder” really doesn’t matter.

How does one go about getting someone nominated for a pulitzer?

When VTEC kicks in:

Due to what I can only be described as a bizarre group clusterfuck oversight, it was left off the original list. But it has since been added! Because it has to be on there!

Devars/DeBarge/Tim Irish is his name.

Do you really have to ask?

We need jasondrives.jalopnik.com, Patrick

Could it be that Jason Drives is coming back soon, to be the only ray of hope in our miserable lives? Hmm...

The William Tecumseh Sherman “Don’t Make Me Come Down There Again” Memorial Highway.

How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

  • A cop car that weighs at least 2 tons slams into the tiniest compact that you can currently buy at 104mph.

I want to buy one of these, and then drive it into a ditch so fast it ends up on its roof.

Case not closed! Look at the picture of the Volvo and that Acura up in the article! They have the same window angle, and the same distance from the end of the car. That’s not enough to explain it.

They’re useful to provide a clear view of the tree coming right for you.

Driving on I-40, and suddenly having Knoxville laid out before me, I was completely unable to keep myself from yelling “The Wigsphere!” as soon as I saw it.