
Just go in the damn restaurant and order at the counter, sheesh. 

The McD’s around here haven’t had Hot & Spicy McChickens in years anyway. Pity; the regular McChickens are just too bland.

I was a kid in the seventies, and I remember the WB cartoon with Bugs Bunny and the gremlins - one of whom pops up and shouts, “IT AIN’T WENDELL WILLKIE!!” I wonder how many kids asked their parents after the cartoon who Wendell Willkie was.

I want to get off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride!!

I had never heard of this film, but from the article’s title I knew it could never have been made in the United States. Teenage sexuality is a third rail here.

No Spoiler Space?! COME ON!!

The site’s writers seem to have forgotten lately that the AVClub has a friggiing Spoiler Space! Use it, people! Don’t let it die like 95% of the site’s features!

Anchorman was a big disappointment. I was expecting a light-hearted but realistic look at the life of a ‘70s TV news anchor, but what I got was an infantile live-action cartoon. Turned me off Will Ferrell for good.

An American who has never heard of McDonalds, unless he’s at a preverbal level of intelligence or has spent his entire life in a coma, just shatters my suspension of disbelief right there.

This has only happened to me twice, at a San Francisco pizza place called Golden Boy in 1990, and at the Zoo Tavern on Connecticut Avenue in DC. The latter place closed not long afterwards.

That looks seriously overdone. I like my crust chewy, not hard and crunchy and not black on the edges.

Keep the change, you filthy animal

Phonies everywhere! They’re coming in the goddamn window!

Best Dinesh diSouza Abomination

Speaking of grades, why don’t y’all make it possible to search reviews by grade? I’m itching to binge-read every D and F review on the site.

Why the heck do they keep moving it earlier and earlier, though?

The first time I ever heard of MoviePass was an article (I think it was here), that the theater I go to most often (AMC Tysons Corner) was no longer accepting MoviePass tickets. That put me off the idea right from the start, and I see I was right not to join up.

Washington Deadspins

Doesn’t she have enough damn shows already?