
The whole violin thing really didn’t fit. It seemed like a rejected A-plot that got shoehorned in. And there wasn’t a single mention during it of Lisa’s sax!

a callback to the protagonist of Sharknado, “Fin”.

Hard Rain was notable mostly because a trailer for it was attached to every theatrical print of Titanic, and because of the latter film’s immense longevity in the multiplex, it was still showing months after Hard Rain had opened and closed.

“Fellating Google”, er, “The Internship” was kinda funny though.

I knew I’d be staying far away from this when I saw the trailer with its horrible anachronistic music. Can’t they at least try to write music that sounds period-appropriate? I bet there isn’t even one waltz.

There are very few white working-class neighborhoods in American cities anymore. In Pittsburgh and Portland, that’s about it.


I feel that way in connection with Will Ferrell.

A book that’s more than 25 years old and badly deserves an updated edition.

Maybe they should have cast Ellen Feiss instead. Whatever happened to her?

What happened to the Features page?? How do I access “Dispatches from Direct-to-DVD Purgatory” or “YA Why?” or “I Watched This on Purpose”?

But on the other hand, every mall back then had at least one bookstore!

Just a D??

No Pinterest? Does that mean that site's popularity is officially over?

There were a whole bunch of early 20th-century players named Heinie. Just try finding somebody with that name today.

About 25 years ago, I was in the reptile house at the zoo one day and this kid was just yelling over and over, "GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM! GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM! GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM! GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM!"

Sixteen Jones and what do you get?


Boy, that Richard Moll was kind of a dick. I'm surprised Harry put up with him.

Walter Cronkite and Julia Child in "We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story". That was the high-water mark (or low point) of stunt casting.