
The Chiefs caught a break here. This should give Andy Reid enough time to run their two-minute offense.

They claim it’s an ice storm, but we know the real reason they need to “prep the field.” #IWantToBelieve

I’ve always wondered why Darius Rucker never put out a solo album entitled “Hootie Is My Slave Name”

Just change the name to Mic & Mic, then the only thing you have to worry about is having a microphone for each host.

I was hoping they’d become the Los Angeles Ospreys or Ocelots or something with an “O.” Then they could use this:

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

Funny thing about the photo of the Chargers last home game, all of the Chargers fans in attendance were Philip Rivers kids

Heard he had to pee in an icup

Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.

+ 3/5ths?

I’m trying to find the words to describe it.

Or you could pick a team and stick with them like a normal fan?

Ahoy-hoy, Topeka Chuckle Hut!

being lectured by someone who wasn’t even playing wasn’t received favorably.

You’d think a guy named Crowder could deal with extra personnel around.

Korean Manager Not Gung-Ho About Jung Ho.

Mysteriously—even despite Darnold’s stat line—Penn State coaches refused to say whether they thought the young quarterback looked good.

“I was like, good gracious, ass is bodacious”

Bruce Lee did alright.