I know it’s hard, but hang in 💖
I know it’s hard, but hang in 💖
I can’t tell if you a) wrote years when you meant months or b) was exaggerating for effect or c) is from the future.
“Look, I’m no expert, but I grew up in Wyoming and yet somehow I managed to figure it out”
Right? A high pitched, artificial baby voice really grates my nerves (add baby talk to the equation, and I’ll actively avoid that person). I think some people are more sensitive to pitch than others.
Internet hugs for your pain.
Yeah, he lied to get you to trust him, so he could get what he wanted out of you. What a lying sack of doggie doo doo. For your own sanity, lose his number and be oh-so fabulous without him in your life.
No. It's about getting you broken again. The trill is making you crave him, not the craving itself.
It’s so common for predators.
It will for sure take time. Be patient with yourself in the process. I did a whole lot of beating myself up over another person’s behavior...wasn’t helpful at all. And grief alone is a beast. The anger, sadness, etc. I Think the more we can sit with a feeling, kinda see what it’s telling us, then let it go (for the…
He was drawn to you because you are what he wishes he could be: genuine, vulnerable. You have people who love the real you. He doesn’t even have an acquaintance who likes the real him.
That’s absolute nonsense. HE is responsible for his own actions, HE is the one who concocted lies to keep you on the line when you had questions. Sure, some of them warranted a raised eyebrow but people are funny creatures and even funnier when in love. It is human nature to trust the people you love until they give…
I’ve been the wife in this situation. He is guaranteeing her that you are nothing. Sex a phase whatever. Anything he has to say. That is why he’s not talking to you/has blocked you. Run. Seriously. He’s not a prize to be won. He’s not a good guy. Run.
Okay, I’m wrong about that, fine.
Who forgot to lock the clone closet?
What *is* it with so many women with those childlike, baby voices??
You should probably try reading the post before commenting. “A kind next door neighbor” doesn't say he's your boyfriend, spend holidays with you and get close to your family, say he's in love with you and wants to build a life with you, that you're the only romantic partner in his life and get upset when he thinks you…
I can certainly empathize with this feeling and also know that nothing that is said here will make you feel better.
Hey you know what fuck you