Unspeakable Axe

I don’t think any such thing. Please don’t attribute opinions to me that I don’t hold. My issue with this article is the same issue I’ve had with most of their articles for the last several years—namely, that they are so focused on putting forward narratives that are politically popular with their readership that they

Well, they aren’t suing her for writing to SAG. It’s for costing the production money and, currently, preventing it from being distributed. This being the AV Club, they of course focused mainly on the allegations against Eckhart and not the substance of the suit. This is from Entertainment Tonight’s recap online:

It should’ve been two 2-hour movies, not three 3-hour ones. I still think it you edited that monster down to the best (and most book-faithful) four hours, and edited around the most cartoonish action sequences, it would be pretty decent. They had a good cast giving good performances. They had a good Bilbo, Thorin, and

Not totally true. King’s endorsement made the Evil Dead franchise what it was. And his distaste for The Shining was entirely based on Kubrick choosing to remove the main character’s arc. I love the movie for its severe style and memorable scenes, but I can also totally understand why the author of the source material

Not true at all. For one thing, there is no makeup artist on Earth who can actually de-age someone to the extent done in that movie, or the various summer blockbusters that have pulled the same trick. It is the same sort of thing, but the technology is necessary because actual makeup can’t pull that off.

That’s a very different application of AI than the one Cage is obviously referring to. Underneath the deepfake in that movie is still a real performance that Cage actually gave on a real set. It’s basically just software doing the job of a very advanced makeup artist. I would not think of that in the same category as

I think they would need to recast Dale. The show basically requires him (as you say, it could live without Luanne and Lucky, though I loved both).

I love how the angle of all these pieces is, “These chowderheads running streaming services don’t know what they’re doing lol!” Rather than the more probable explanation: “They aren’t being completely forthright with their customers, but this is almost certainly about money, and giant corporations run mainly by bean-co

That is not an accurate description of the contents of the movie.

Yeah. Love Marty, and he should make movies as long as he wants. But this is simple biology. If I walk into a 3+ hour movie with a drink in hand, which most of us do, I’m not making it to the credits without needing to pee. So either put in an intermission, or I’m going to have to disrespect your art by missing a few

I prefer to think of it as the hand of irony. Making a hacky joke with little actual malice behind it shouldn't even wake karma up.

“People are deeply, deeply stupid”

I wish I had any idea what your take on this is. It feels snarky but I have no clue in which direction. Nor, I think, do you.

Definitely, and lazily, ghostwritten. The excerpts read like someone interviewed her briefly, decided she was borderline incoherent (which she usually is), and tried to “assume the character” of a fictional, much more aware Britney to write the book on their own.

To some extent they have. Partly because people read them more closely, looking for echoes of her identity conservatism that they used to ignore. And partly because it’s hard to separate the art from the artist when said artist won’t shut the hell up about something like this; the stink of it clings to the page.

Goofy article. First of all because it follows on the heels of your site’s (admittedly stupid) “actually, no one really went to see Eras, as far as I can tell from my own screening” piece. Second because Nolan isn’t even right. I mean sure, the studios would like to get a cut of $100 million more than they’d like to

Generally agree with that, but: when a celebrity is seemingly intent on boiling down their public persona to their stance on a particular hot-button issue, past a certain point it is exactly that simple. JK hasn't been able to shut up about this for years now and is increasingly determined to paint herself as the last

He keeps coming back to it because he made one or two casual comments and interviewers keep bringing it up, then other sites like this one pull lines from his longer responses out of context to get clicks. It’s not like the guy is having his publicist send out an anti-Marvel manifesto quarterly.

Sound life advice from “Mean Gene” from the grays. ‘preciate ya

This kind of assessment supposes that businesses only exist in the here and now, and just react to what the market asks for today. It assigns zero culpability for the sustained, decades-long efforts of those same businesses to push the market in particular directions (through marketing, monopoly, nostalgia-sploitation,