Especially if you used garlic bread for the grilled cheese! Yum...
Especially if you used garlic bread for the grilled cheese! Yum...
I legit cannot come up with a reason not to eat this.
Falling is a huge fear of mine, yet this is what immediately popped into my head when I read your comment.
Much like the Grand Canyon, you could see the intensity of my current NOPE face from space.
I love him. All the apathy. He like lays down in the middle of the paths of people in the middle of public walkways. He truly rules Downing Street.
That’s not excessive. You might. I’m glad you’ve stayed away from it!
Oh, I believe you! Poor kitty. Sorry to hear.
he prob has a legit seizure condition now that will continue even after he gets sober, unfortunately. i know more than a few people that happened to
I know you’re not a troll but you’ve never heard the name Chaka Khan before? Really? She’s been around since the 70s. Tell Me Something Good? I Feel For You? Ain’t Nobody? Ok, how about Whitney Houston’s I’m every Woman? That was a remake of a Chaka song (hence the shout out at the 4:31 and 4:35 marks)?
jia, i miss you already and to show my support i have taken my parents’ login for subscribed to the new yorker.
Wtf is this?!
This is Mrs White from my very old game which I still have I will not ever replace with a newer version so suck it Hasbro.
I told my husband he was going to get diabetes if he tried to feed a squirrel a peanut at the park, definitely meant rabies. Still haven’t lived that one down.
Manager account spotted.
I know it’s a typo but I could see Cunningham actually sleeping on a cod.
I didn’t recognize half the names on this Dirt Bag.
Dorne. :/
I think Sansa is cool with letting Jon have it because she genuinely thinks he deserves it and will do well. I think fucking over Littlefinger was a bonus. A dangerous bonus, though.