unreliable narrator

Yeah, I also stopped watching after Danny turned into a controlling jerk, and the show kind of dumbed down a little. I think once they were off-network, they thought they were making the show “edgier,” but it ended up just not being as smart or as witty. Morgan used to make me laugh out loud every episode, but he

New insurance rule: you have to be trying to conceive for at least a year and then try with your brother, cousin, or nephew before we’ll approve you for fertility treatment.

Try the magic words: “I’m willing to pay out of pocket.” The one year rule for women under 35 has to do with insurance coverage. Also, don’t forget you are only 50% your mother’s genes.

As a traditionally shaped gal, I’m happy that the standard of beauty is no longer looking tiny and malnourished in a giant sweater, because that shit was physically impossible to attain. At least now the standard of beauty is something I just refuse to entertain.

Yeah, I considered that he doesn’t necessarily know All of the Things instantaneously and simultaneously. But still, one would think that if he had already been reviewing that event in the past, he would have gotten all the info at once. (It’s possible that he did, but never volunteered any of it because nobody asked

It’s ridiculous that Bran wouldn’t have been aware of the full story of Jon’s legitimacy until Sam happened to mention it, and then all of a sudden he can envision it. The Three Eyed Raven wouldn’t be a very powerful seer if he had to just wait around for someone to well-actually him.

I was trying to figure out why they had Tyrion lurking near the bedroom, and the best I could come up with was that there needed to be a witness to the fucking for future plot development. Like when Jon’s true identity is revealed and Dany tries to pass off her unborn child as someone else’s and Tyrion is able to say

You have a good sense of humors.

Yup - the big problem with WW IMO is that it’s focused too much on the points (or at least it was for a long time, not sure if it still is) that reward you for filling your stomach with chemical garbage like Cool Whip rather than teaching you how to satisfy cravings for sugar or whatever with smaller amounts of higher

Thanks! Guess I missed that bit of exposition.

Speaking of Davos, I always thought that “Onion Knight” was a joke between him and Shereen - I LOLed when Tyrion, upon being introduced to him, was like “oh yeah, the Onion Knight, sure.”

Right - and also, wouldn’t Jon Snow’s ship have had to sail right through that melee in order to arrive at Dragonstone the very next morning?

He says to Tyrion (I think), “you have my ship” - I think that’s his ship in the harbor. There’s no way they came there in a rowboat.

OF COURSE you should eat the soup. Whatever ick factor the hair contributed is negated by the fact that you cooked it.

Yeah, someone else mentioned that. And even if it’s kept in a restricted area that students can’t access, they just showed us last week how easy it was for Sam to get the keys off someone.

I was thinking during that scene last night about how she’s still so young - I’ve kind of lost track of how many years have passed since season 1 but she can’t be more than 19. Maybe E.C. has made the choice to be so stony faced because she thinks someone so young in a position of leadership would be afraid to show

WHY did the grayscale procedure have to be done while Jorah was conscious? Even if this society hasn’t developed general anesthesia, Sam could have hit him over the head with a bedpan or something.

We bought one of these at Christmas and the aux input stopped working after only a month. (Most of our music still lives on an iPod so having that input was key.) The Bluetooth connection is also often really spotty, even when the device connected to it is within arm’s reach. Not sure if we got a dud or what - hard to

We bought one of these at Christmas and the aux input stopped working after only a month. (Most of our music still

Yup, this is absolutely not a shelter dog issue. We have friends who have a purebred bull mastiff that we’re terrified of because it’s as big as a person and growls at us every time we come over. (And their previous dog, same breed, bit a kid in the face at their kid’s birthday party.)

Yeah, I’m disappointed to see how fake she looks now. I always liked that Khloe had a different look from the others.