
I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

Roald Dahl sure was right about one thing:

Trump is an empty, grease-stained McDonald’s bag borne aloft by a stray breeze. He cannot control his direction, and his current height is due to the vagaries of chance. I guess the point I’m driving at is, he is literal garbage and his garbage-ness is so fundamental to his being that I don’t think he can actually

And there goes another staffer....

By the time America sobers up we will have elected a double parked BMW and a pair of Victorias Secret angel wings into the White House.

Now the shit pudding can hit the fan - if the sale of his hedge fund to the Chinese collapses, it proves his appointment was motive for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation. If the sale goes through , but for one cent less than the previously announced $90million, it proves the same, because he’d be accepting


Embrace single payer, work for fairness in taxation, demand defense cuts, banking regulation, monopoly protections, campaign finance reform, union rights, voting rights, equality and protection for all citizens, immigration reform, demilitarization of the police, demilitarization of foreign policy, and for fuck’s sake

Pickle, Trump is very sensitive about the size of the white hose. Best not ask about it.

“Working on more adult acting roles”

*receives pink slips*

A wise man once said: Fuck off you twat.

Oh my, I am actually re-watching The Sopranos—he was very good in that show.

Unfortunately I think this barrier is twofold: pleasuring sex is still very much regarded as a male domain. We have to worry about not getting pregnant, understanding the complexities of our cycles, dealing with menstruation, knowing about UTIs... Educating girls about orgasming on top of all this is almost an

It is old. The average life expectancy for American men is 76. Like, I see what you’re saying, but 72 is only four years away from men’s average life expectancy.

Does the story of John Heard death not deserve its own post?

I can identify Jeremy Meeks by name now. Not Hot Felon Jeremy Meeks. I see the words Jeremy Meeks and I know who is being referenced.

I saw that earlier and I’m still laughing. lol Dude is one hyper little tea cup poodle.

He’s basically a stereotypical Wall Street shark from an 80s movie. He walked off of a stock photo, of course his suit fits.

I hope I don’t offend anyone with one of my favorite doggy gifs, but this is what I imagine when I think of Johnny on a shopping spree