
Increasingly, whenever musk does something I think of that line from Austin Powers when Dr. Evil is talking about his father and says “he would make extravagant claims, like he invented the question mark”. Not that musk’s kids will turn into Dr. Evil, but I can see one of them saying this unironically.

Ummm Jezebel, is there *nothing else* you think you should mention when you write about Peter Thiel?

Liberal Men: We want women to feel safe and we also want them to be direct with us so we can understand what they want.

Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.

It’s true what you write, but there are many sanctuaries that work very hard to give rescued turkeys (and chickens and pigs and cows, etc.) the best life possible for as long as possible despite the genetic crimes we commit against these creatures. You can adopt/sponsor individual animals at a lot of sanctuaries, like

I’ve come to realize that I actively enjoy my absolute loathing for Gwyneth Paltrow and all she stands for. I think it come from living in LA and the baggage that come with it. She is that fucking stereotype the New York Times always reports on when they come here, but that only exists in the rarefied air of

Well written.
TLDR: Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is, dumb person’s idea of what smart person is, a weak person’s idea of what strong person is.

This is the most “white people shit” ever. A couple generations ago, a single drop of Native blood would get you thrown out of the family. Now she wants to “claim” it so she can wear it like a scarf.

It suggests fertility treatments. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with that, but the suggestion that he and his first wife used fertility treatments plus the fact that they’re all boys suggests the parents may have specified a desired gender as part of the process...which makes me raise BOTH eyebrows.

He has 14 year old twins and 12 year old triplets! What?!

This couldn’t be another instance of a woman patiently supporting a man while he performs an entire three movement concerto of dumb shit, could it?

I’m an event coordinator and I share your pain. My impression is that it was genuinely well-intended but cocky hubris, mixed with a complete lack of practical skills and general tomfuckery took over. He didn’t hire enough women to do his job for him.

Because the only reason he holds the rallies is to hear people cheering for him. He doesn’t care about the politics, it’s just ego stroking, and they cheer for that shit, so he keeps repeating it. It means nothing. He’s a lab rat hitting the pleasure button, he doesn’t know how it works but it makes him feel good.

Her uncle contacted the local police and county sheriff’s offices, which launched an investigation but closed it after two months”

Eat the rich.

Last week Alison was talking about how no one saw the plane guy attack her, and she was working out whether her experiences and memories are valid if other people aren’t witness to them. That’s the whole conceit of this show in a nutshell. Noah never gave a shit about what Helen was going through and never bothered to

Rugged individualism is hot garbage invented by rich, straight, white men to provide an origin myth for their power and success so that they don’t have to be faced with the truth that they arrived where they are by standing on the necks of people of color and women.

I know it’s been said already but trump is such a staggering idiot. I mean  just unbelievably incredibly, astoundingly dumb.

I’ve been disgusted by most of what this piece of garbage excuse for a human being has said and done over the last few years (oh god, years). But last night, when I saw this, I cried out of sheer anger and horror. This fucking guy. This fucking piece of shit who grabs women by the genitals and laughs about it. I’m not

For real. This is Democrats’ biggest issue. No one will “wake up” and see Democrats as normal. They’ve been inculcated by evangelicals, Fox news, and they live in bubbles. I’ve lived in the midwest. The people there live in mostly white bubbles where their fear of immigrants is laughable because they are nowhere near