
I know it gets used a lot these days but: This is truly horrifying.

Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.

Because what the world needs is more books about luck in the packaging of “you can work hard and have this life too!”

Obama was a man born poor that worked his way into one of the best colleges in the nation on his own merit and then sacrificed the money party that usually comes with that to work as a public servant before running for office.

It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

Oh yeah, fuck yeah. He looks like that weird ass from Requiem who was into double girl cucumber dildo.

Well, obviously not. The only way you can be poor is if you didn’t grift enough people to avoid not being poor. You weren’t willing to lie, steal, and settle your way to wealth like our sociopath in cheat god emperor of planet earth Donald John Trump.

It’s all about the lining.

Depp, the Spellings, and other Rich People In Trouble should be studied as case histories of how we think of wealth in this society.

Couldn’t be happening to a nicer guy.

Democrats held several hearings on the ACA and debated it on the floor for 25 days

The Warmbier family has unfairly and repeatedly insulted the Obama administration and blamed them for their son’s situation and ultimate death. I’m very sorry a young man died, especially in such a grotesque fashion, but I think the family’s absolute refusal to take any personal responsibility or think reasonably (it

I’m just sayin

These people are unbelievable idiots. I just can’t fathom what is going through their mind on a day to day basis. If Trump had just SHUT UP and stopped complaining about this investigation, it would be background noise and wouldn’t be huge news until it was completed. It’s only sucking up all the oxygen because

Never got the Chris Pine thing til Wonder Woman (fucking amazing movie). After that, he reminds me of my big toe. I’m gonna bang him on every piece of furniture in my house.

Cake farting. Cake.

I hate him just because his name looks like a word scramble that hasn’t been solved yet.

Of course amber’s still with musk she needs to get Space from her X.