
(users had to purchase Elusive)

Yea no, you have this wrong. 

Rape culture. 

Idk, both of those performances felt like the coalescence of two NFL historic defenses. This....did not feel like that. 

Impeachment proceedings should already be happening.

It is telling that they are not.

Triple teamed or not he still stood straight up like he didn’t care. 

Yes exactly, he is at the line of scrimmage, the guy who tipped the ball is, uh, almost 2-3 yards behind him. 

Ball takes immediate turn left after being tipped. “not affected by the tip” yea, sure, ok.

You see that Bear helmet all the way on the left? That’s the center. The Eagle who tipped it his 3-4 yards behind him. 

I did miss Chris saying that but I have a real hard time believing that changing the rotation of a football in flight would not affect it at all. especially when we’re talking about inches. 

If this went badly for securitas that would be kind of great.

Relevant: I am contracted by securitas. 

Hey, so, you know the ball was tipped because his linemen got blown up, right?

The Browns have arguably the best QB in the AFC North.

2019 is weird man. 

The Warriors are being officiated differently than any other team in the NBA?

Wow this sure to surprise anybody who hasn’t watched them in 5 years. .

Lynch the fucking murderer. 

I feel like John Elway should be getting way more grief for this very same reason.

And some BIGTIME help from the boys in black and white stripes. 

The ease in which hand guns can be concealed makes your argument irrelevant. 

In no way shape or form is that relevant. You are blaming the victim. 

Perfect analogy. 

everyone who has conspired with, aided and abetted AND  VOTED for Donald Trump needs to go down with him.