Kendall Jenner: goes on TV show and shows off her house, the street where she lives and the exterior of her house. Still wonder how people know where she lives.
Reality tv whore is sad that turning her life into reality tv destroys her privacy.
This....makes me want to boycott the game. WOW wtf
“Those things are not mutually exclusive. Women can be afraid for their safety and men can be afraid of false accusations at the same time.”
As a man I would like to say; NOPE
Not scared of false accusations even a little bit.
They WANT to be lied to. The WANT to be hateful racists.
There is one way to deal with these people and most wont accept it until too many people have already died.
“our Constitutional Republic”
If not for the whole “Russian coup” thing I might agree with you.
Because we don’t live in the 1770's and shouldn’t be governed that way.
Its interesting that you bag on Mulaney for being older and becoming successful when Rock has done just the opposite considering he hasn’t done anything even moderately funny in the last 10 years.
Why the NFL insists on categorically destroying their product piece by piece is baffling.
I’m with Cicero.
The idea’s are great. Interacting with the community, with the giant cube and the bouncy lake and a floating island is A++ work.
But ANOTHER game of deathmatch with the “just build lol” gameplay has gotten very stale.
As an Ohio State fan I’m not watching the football team so long a Meyer is a part of it.
If he was okay with his worst coach abusing women he’s FOR DAMN SURE okay with his star players abusing women.
I know one person not watching doesn’t mean shit against the machine, but fuck it, I don’t miss it.
As a male gamer I have one thing to say about this situation:
Most male gamers are pieces of shit.
Browns fan checking in on Kizer.
I still think he can be good. But lordy lordy you gotta give him some help instead of letting a top 2 defender in the league size him up like a tackling dummy.
And he stands during the anthem.
“After Jarrett hits Foles and they are going to the ground you can see Jarrett reset his feet and jump up in the air,”
After making contact with Foles, Jarrets right leg ...DRAGS on the ground from him making contact. So. No. You cannot see that, because it didn’t happen.
Pokemon make absolutely no sense biologically. Don’t even try.
“Military get paid quite handsomely to take orders to kill other people,”
If you think this is the only thing the military does, then you’re as stupid as you seem to be.
Yea it’s not like the alt right has a history of infiltrating liberal and antifa events to purposefully make them look bad or anything.
The entire Browns coaching staff is a fucking joke.