
Get a head start on Making America Great Again.

Start killing republicans. 

They are free to stay in the locker room last I checked. Nobody is forcing them out onto the fields.”

And then hateful idiots like you call them un-American.

Go fuck yourself you genuine piece of human shaped feces.

Make America Great Again

Start Killing Republicans. 

How do you think he got rich? Good business? L O L

Grifting. All of it is grifting.

Eat the rich. 

“We’re fucked.”

A sentiment only shared by those naive enough to think trumps reign will be stopped by anything less than violent rebellion.

Sooooo wait until its free again?

I’m into the multiplay but constantly find myself WISHING a single player game could just come along and blow my socks off.


So does everybody still have to doubts that this all ends with violence?

Y’all still can’t have those doubts right?

“oh noes let’s not dox the nazi”

An actual opinion you fucking idiots feel the need to share.

Fuck you. Fuck you. And. Fuck you.

Keep doing NOTHING as these evil motherfuckers continue to be evil.

Some of us are better than you and realize doing bad things to bad people who would freely do WORSE things to others; is righteous.

Doing bad things is necessary to stop evil.

Stop thinking like a FUCKING CHILD.

A piece of shit abuser of women died.

Celebrate. Then hope this is the immediate fate of ALL abusers, and then move on.

We fix it the same way it was fixed in the 40s.

The people who run the business side ARE SO MUCH WORSE at their jobs than the people making the actual game that it’s almost comical.


Please., tell that to the president and his entire generation.

I played New Vegas until I got to Vegas then quit.


Because they will suffer no consequences.

Why care what you do or say on video if nobody is going to do anything about it?

“he wasn’t really facing the play”

Sometimes I wonder if people are watching the same thing I am. What is “facing the play” to you? LeBron has Durant squared up before Durant gathers. Look at his feet, Durant his directly in between them.

Most people around here don’t much care for Disneyland because we have a MUCH better alternative for amusement parks - Cedar Point.