(Floyd Mayweather is a piece of shit woman beater caveat goes here)
Damn that video is a joy to watch from a human mechanics standpoint.
(Floyd Mayweather is a piece of shit woman beater caveat goes here)
Damn that video is a joy to watch from a human mechanics standpoint.
Another theory is that males fall on more extreme spectrums. (So you’ll get more geniuses and total dumbasses with the males. Whereas, females, on average, fall closer to the middle.)
Is this a theory with studies behind it in any way? I would be super interested if you know of any. (otherwise TO GOOGLE!)
Seems oddly timed considering the “newest most ruthless smartest and most evil big bad ever”(until the next one) villain was Charlize?
She was obviously the best villain yet though so I can’t wait to see her in 9.
Well would you look at that. You made another assumption and you were wrong.
Kinda proves my point. Thanks.
So you know her contract details now?
You’re making an awful lot of (ill or non informed) assumptions.
Hahaha. That would require that police officers first be human. Not many of those left, as evidenced by the MANY that come forward when police murder civilians.
Yes it will make the argument for drone cops.
“Rizzo pretty clearly didn’t deviate from his path here,”
That’s the key “deviate”. The catcher, pretty clearly catches the ball and is expecting to make a swipe tag, as a runner following the rules would be looking to slide. So while he may not have violated the definition of the rule, I certainly agree he violated…
I see it as an admission of guilt, but who am I besides someone who has never raped before.
Ok, so in your scenario they don’t pay Thompson. Who then, do they sign instead?
“the Warriors were able to get KD because they planned for the big cap increase whereas Cleveland signed absolutely nobody.”
I really don’t see how they “planned” for the cap increase. Had three contracts coming off the books that year, while having your core on collectively bargained rookie contract extensions, the…
Oh no. However will us Clevelanders deal with long suffering sports teams. El oh el.
Incredibly lucky, tho the fact that nobody holds the Cavs as the standard “don’t take! it won’t help” example is beyond me. The years they won first pick each time they didn’t have the best lottery odds. (2011- 8th worst pick, Irving, 2013 -3rd worst, Bennett 2014 - 9th worst, Wiggins)
You seem to be implying that those were bad moves. As a Clevelander I have to say that they were not, and that any implication of such is factually insane.
You seem to be implying that those were bad moves. As a Clevelander I have to say that they were not, and that any implication of such is factually insane.
How doesn’t Capcom which also has Marvel financial backing churn out such a mediocre product? Then they are turning around selling DLC before the game is out and it still looks like shit...
Tony Reali is a real one and I will always respect the hell out of him.
Sorry that’s the only newsworthy part of the article I think.
More of a reason to hang him at the mansion then, tbh.
Rick Snyder’s proper punishment (as far as im concerned) is public hanging at the governors mansion as a warning to all politicians. Serve dutifully or suffer consequences.
(Gleefully ignores trumps 2nd amendment folks threat of Hillary.)