
“I’m telling you, you know what, Donald Trump is the last hope for white people, ’cause Hillary [Clinton] will give it to all the minorities to get a vote,” he reportedly said.

Yes, you have some MAJOR personal problems to work on, Rainey. Like, MAJOR. You are not being serious or logical or discussing this in good faith, so you will be dismissed, and my future interactions with you on ANYTHING will be kept to an absolute minimum.

I say yes. This specific case is reparations for the enslaved people who were enslaved by whites under united states law..If we start talking about who has been negatively impacted by american slavery by being here, its opening the doors to pretty much everybody who isnt white. Reparations should be for the

We don’t agree on a lot, but I’m with you on this one. They don’t want to be black...until their is money being discussed, and now it’s all like “brother” this, and “sister” that.

The descendants of people enslaved to work for the English, Dutch, and French (and whichever other European colonists fucked around there) colonies in the Caribbean can apply to the governments of those nations for repayments.

What might be the point? I don’t know if you’re being disingenuous or facetious but...

That screed’s run-on sentences were all over the place and insulting to Black descendents of slaves with the same crap that bubbles off the lips of Caribbean folks all the time: that US. Blacks are subpar, our thinking chained to the white man’s. But, of all the places they could go, they came here, remain distinct

If you had an ancestor who was a slave, then you can get slave reparations. I actually, as far as I know, don’t have any victims of slavery in my family tree and I am okay with this being the way it works. I know that it also means a small number of “white” folks will also be in line for slave reparations, but they

Without commas and periods, that was hard to understand. But it’s clear you want reparations to be for everyone brown or no one. So U.S. Bangladeshis can get lumped in too because they’re brown, poor and ghettoized in their own communities? All the U.S. Indian engineers and doctors who endured British colonialism,

Excatly this about a blood debt owed to a specific group of "Black" people ADOS/FBA people's period.

Who was talking about land reparations? The vast majority of Black people are talking about cash reparations for ADOS.

Were your ancestors slaves in the United States or not? That’s the fucking line. This isn’t hard.

But this program is for chattel slavery in the U.S. not righting American wrongs in general. What country could EVER wipe its entire historical record clean? Unless you’re talking about slavery in U.S. territories or something...

This seems like a really easy issue to figure out. The U.S. didn’t give my father a 1940's birth certificate but they damn sure kept immigration records for Blacks coming in, see the noted quota system that encouraged Euros to come to maintain the white majority. Applications should require you to state your lineage

And if the US pays out it only makes the case for the Euro nations paying the caribbean that much stronger. Also Jamaica, Cuba, and others are already pursuing reparations from Britain and the like. 

I agree, whatever money gets distributed shouldn’t go to people whose families weren’t chattel. I’m descended from slaves on my Black American side and my Jamaican side, so ideally, I’d be getting a check from America and from Great Britain. Every country that participated in the transatlantic slave trade should be on

Fully prepared to get banned here.
I’m Indigenous, not part Black. I struggle with land reparations because conceptually speaking, it should not be viewed as the US’s land to give in the first place. I read a lot (or used to, before grad school) and I understand that this country was built by either slave labor

Then let the British, Portugues, Spanish, Dutch...whatever, pay for them.

Yes; and I do hope we don’t get too bogged down in the minutae. This isn’t rocket science, and we don’t need to make this more complicated than it already is. This is an issue of free labor provided over a particular amount of time, not general racial and ethnic discrimination, which a whole host of groups in this