
Just get it over with and say you believe white women and cops over black men People like you are the reason why black men have historically been falsely charged, without evidence, and our cities burned to the ground in the resulting racist white mobs and military. That goes for your little friend, AMD, too.

Why don’t you have this energy for Amazon or the people that wrote it? 

I traced my history as far back as I could. A portion of my ancestors were captured and sold by the Dahomey. I can’t, in good conscious, support a film that glorifies a kingdom that are a direct cause of my ancestor’s bondage. I don’t watch black suffering in film. I don’t watch films that white wash oppression or

Bernie has gotten 90 Amendments passed. That’s more than most other politicians.

It’s not legal. It will likely get appealed and thrown out in the Georgie Supreme Court.

Good. I need Joe and Pete to gtfo next.

A lot of white people are afraid that if we get a little power, we will do the same thing to them what was done to use. A lot don’t admit it, and much of it is subconscious. It’s projection, plain and simple. They know what they do with power, and don’t want it done to them.

It isn’t about who suffered or not, it’s about which country you should get your reparations from. You islanders don’t get it from the USA, you’d get it from France, Spain, and the U.K. You literally don’t have a skin in the conversation concerning reparations for people who’s ancestors suffered directly from USA