
"The first thing we needed to do was make sure that the content that's out there was representative of the franchises. These are our lifeblood. These are our children. We needed to make sure that the content there was reflective of what these franchises are. The next step is working with the YouTube community to

I agree. The outcry here is more of the same outcry as ever: hey nintendo, do the same thing that everyone is doing, its working great for them, should work fine to you too. Had nintendo follow that way, things like miiverse would never happen.

Reggie is right though, assuming he was talking about the ability to stream game play from the Wii U. Most people watch let's plays/game streams to be entertained by the PERSON* who happens to be playing the game and not the actual game itself. I watch DoubleLift, Aphromoo, and Imaqtpie because I want to watch them

I see it less as apples and oranges and more as sour grapes. No one at NoA really has much significant input it seems into how the console functions on a systemic level, so it's not like he can say "We'll get right on that"... so in response he says it isn't important.

I think the general idea they're were trying to put across was that random twitch streamers, just sitting there playing the game is boring, and not something they want to get into. However, when there is some level of production value, or some substance behind the game (E.g Tournaments, Comedy etc.) they want to get

People are making a big deal on how he said (paraphrasing) "It isn't fun just to watch a straight up 30 minutes of raw livestream with nothing else". I get that. It's more of, the Wii U doesn't have the tools compared to other consoles to easily produce the Youtube content, and it appears that they don't want to

I don't know what's up with them and livestreaming. I saw Fils-Aime downplaying the appeal of livestreaming from a console in Polygon's interview with him. But the Nintendo people I spoke to, including Fils-Aime, seemed really proud of the Twitch traffic they were getting on their E3 Treehouse stream. Apples and

Between Uplay, game downgrades, sitting on completed Wii U games because they "don't have a big enough marketshare" (Wii U has over a million more consoles right now than the Xbox One though...), 15+ pre-order versions and bonus requiring a spreadsheet, and the #womenaretoohardtoanimate backlash, Ubisoft is really not

Just give me a new Darksiders!

And that's in addition to the great stuff already out, the indie games, the Virtual Console.... yeah, I'm happy. :)

I personally got me a Wii U the first time I saw X in a Nintendo Direct...2 years later still nothing haha...but yeah...the Wii U has a lot of games which have kept me busy..

Except the Xbone and the PS4 has a similar architechture, which makes it easier to release games for both.

The compensation doesn't reflect the gaps. I used to work in the game industry. Many of my friends still do. I switched over to general business software development. Now I have an extremely stable job, even during downtime, I work reasonable hours, I make double what they do (no, that's not an exaggeration), and I

I have to admit that I've complained just as much as everybody else about Nintendo and their mistakes with the Wii U. But things like this make me remember that they are one of the good guys in this industry. Thank you Nintendo!

MK8 rewards you with stamps, characters, and custom car parts. Also, you can brag by posting a screenshot to MiiVerse showing off all of the GPs that you have 3-stars on.

Actual in-game objects are a lot more useful than a number or a trophy icon.

if you are talking about a full game save i see value there. otherwise you are talking about just a thing that says i did x,y, or z. If i know i did it i don't give a shit if some dude online can see it. means 0 to me. most these games give out achievements for shit that aint even hard. the fact that you would base a

Bandai-Namco obviously doesn't know how to localize their games here at a low cost, and they're probably using the sales figures from the TotW PSP game to decide if the market is worth it.

Yes, Yes they could. The Wii U fully supports GameCube games, from what I have read about it in the mod scene. Which isn't surprising considering the Wii U is a more powerful Wii, which is a more powerful GameCube. The only reason Nintendo did not make the option available by default to the Wii U is because they

Would they really do that when you can still play Game Cube discs in Wii mode?