
Mika on Morning Jockstrap said something to the effect of “at some point can we believe what is before our eyes?” GIRRRRRRRLLLL the sane people were there a long time ago, but continue on with normalizing BS.

Seriously! Back when I was a teen, the motion/vibration of the schoolbus was enough to get me off. Now that I’m grown, I’ve moved on to the motion/vibration on trains. I don’t need no stinkin’ soundtrack to get off!

It’s almost like the guy is a full of shit hypocrite of the highest magnitude.

affects such a minuscule number of people and those people are inherently much more well-off

This is the appropriate take for this picture/article.

It wasn’t so bad when all the other big national carriers were socialized: Air Canada, British Airways, JAL , Lufthansa, KLM, Swissair, etc, sure they may have run at a loss but there was national pride to put on a good airline.

Do you... do you think you can just cheaply fly from any city to any other city whenever you’d like on a privately owned airline?

Fact is he hit the ball. Alternative fact is that he missed, farted, fired the nearest golf pro for “farting”in his royal direction, then blamed the “miss” on an illegal migrant worker trimming his hedges whose shears redirected the Trump Star’s (what he calls the Sun since buying the development rights) rays into his

“No really, after this visit, I’m thinking Trump might be right about putting a wall on a southern border.”

Maybe my mind is failing me, but I don’t remember Obama taking weekly weekend vacations. Where is the right wing outrage at the tax dollars being wasted? Or at the extremely insecure handling of the nuclear concerns this weekend? Where are the email truthers when Trump was using his unsecured phone’s flashlight/camera

I was just explaining the concept of universal health care.

Wow. I am so glad YouTube did not exist when I was dropping acid, as this would have warped me forever.

Depending on where you live, you can’t keep any sport of shit in your driveway.

My mom once said to me, out of the blue, “You know, I think we ignored you too much as a child. Do you think you might be autistic?” She didn’t even wait for an answer from me.

When my husband did the whole ask for permission thing, my mother asked if he was sure and called me a brat.

My in-laws told me once when planning a visit that they were only interested in seeing their son and their grandchildren.

Now playing

This guy is nearly as good as the Classic Marko.

They just inflate another one